Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 2)


Swimming has been recommended before but I havenā€™t tried it. I was thinking of it like, I donā€™t see myself feeling fulfilled from that. But now I am seeing it more as a rehab tool and will likely try it at least. I can just see myself getting bored :joy: but no sense in discrediting that which I havenā€™t tried.

I also struggle in general with altering routine so thatā€™s part of the mental block as well. Being aware of that means I can (hopefully) work my way around it.


Sorry your back is flared up :pensive: I tried out swimming and got very bored. Not to say it wonā€™t be for you just my experience with it. I went a few times but the longest I made it to was 30 minutes. It didnā€™t provide the normal feel good feelings for me. Iā€™ve just been doing yoga and walking when mine is messing up. My neurologist appt is finally here, well on monday.


Yeah the long walks Iā€™ve been going on have been the closest thing for me. Get out of my head for 2 or 3 hours.

I do love being in the pool, but Iā€™ve never been able to see myself being a lap-swimmer. Same reason I canā€™t be on a treadmill too long, but at least you can people watch while doing that.

Iā€™m still going to try it though, and also try to not let my preconceived notions about it influence my actual experience.

Good luck with yer appt!


I think my biggest hurdle is the only lap pool here is inside and I donā€™t like to be stuck inside for exercise. I remember one morning I went and I could sort of see the sunrise through the windows and it made me sad cause I was inside.

For sure!! I hope you enjoy it more than you think :slightly_smiling_face:


Why German Body Composition Training Helps You Burn Fat.

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Bookmarking this. This sounds efficient. Thanks @Seb


I sympathise w you. This is exactly how I feel every time the my mind takes a turn into the shitter or in between rapid dark phases. Which is regularly. Living w this insecurity of what will happen w a predisposition like either of ours is sth else than just living life on lifeā€™s terms. Hope you find a way to get on w it.

Update on the old squat fear. It took awhile w the cycles but finally ended up lifting (a tiny bit) heavier today than ever before and yet I was a lot less afraid. I guess maybe the fewer reps on 531, maybe the BBB and all the carbs, none of my pants fit anymore, idk whatever it was, I take the slow progress.

Whether youā€™re up or down, youā€™ll come back around. Donā€™t give up, team. :fire:


Iā€™ve been pretty hung up on the number on the scale recently because I canā€™t get rid of some extra weight without going into an unhealthy amount of calories. So because of this Iā€™m trying to focus more on the non scale stuffs.
Today I did 3 sets of 12 diamond pushups and only had to modify on the last set :tada::muscle:


Try and use the mirror more than the scale. I know you been doing a little bit more strength training since you got your barbell. Pretty good chance you might be putting on a little more muscle , which will keep the scale the same if not raise it a few pounds


The mirror is not my friend at all. I feel worse about myself and end up beating myself up for pudge here and there. Hell the ā€œpudgeā€ may not even be there but I see it. Iā€™ve gained 15lbs over the past year and a half-ish. I know thatā€™s not all muscle, plus my clothes fit different. Iā€™m going to get one of those tape measures and take measurements this weekend. And Iā€™m debating on checking out a nutritionist, like maybe this is a hormone issue. Iā€™ve cut out most sugar, upped protein and recently have been focusing on less carbs, unless the carbs are from fruits and veggies.


A nutritionist is probably a great idea then. :+1:


I recorded a few of my training drills to show my PT to see if/where I was going wrong with any of them.
Holy cow some of the facial expressions were hilarious. (Wonā€™t be sharing those)


Todays workout complete :white_check_mark:
Did a little chest and cardio before meeting up with the personal trainer for my last free session. That workout she put me thru made me feel like I was soooo out of shape. My goodness. But it felt so good to get a good sweat on. Will be incorporating those exercises into my workout for sure


Been to gym pretty much every day over the last month. Iā€™ve lost roughly 8 kilos (~18 pounds). I can tell my 49 yr old body is getting stronger.


Donā€™t beat yourself up. Do beat yourself into shape!

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Hope this is okay to pist in the fitness thread as I thought it was fitness/nutrition related:

Tried something a little different today!
Mocha Protein Cottage Cheese Icecream :ice_cream: (Made 2 cups of icecream or 4 - 1/2 cup servings)

Each serving is:
149 cal
3.75 gr fat
9.25 gr Carbs
7.5 gr Sugar
20 gr protein

I LOVE icecream!! So hopefully this is a healthier option for me. Have to chill it for 4 hours and then give it a try!


Todays workout complete :white_check_mark:
Did legs today and i think i may have overdone it. My legs are extremely sore and my right knee is abit irritated. Not damaged but sore from overuse.
Leg day consisted of:

  • Step ups
  • Smith machine glute kickbacks
  • Leg press
  • Calf raise
  • Leg extension
  • Leg curl
  • Hip abductions (i think thats what they are calledā€¦ for both inner and outer thigh)

Its my last day at the actually gym bcuz my son will now be on summer break as of tmrw. I will return to that gym on Aug 29th. Over the summer I will be working out in my buildings gym at 530am 5x a week. We only have dumbbells and cardio equipment so that limits some of my exercises but I will continue to put in my best effort. Also reduced my calories 3 days ago as I seemed to be stuck at a plateau in my weight. Noticed that the scale budged this morning. Yay!!! Feels like Im on the right path :slight_smile:


You can do a lot w dumbbells girl. :star_struck: let us know if you need inspo.

Fucking cottage cheese ice-cream yaas, I like to make mine into a pudding w vanilla flavour and peanut butter nomnomnom :ice_cream: :v:t2:


My tape measure came in. Says it has an app for easy tracking


Thanks so much! Ill definitly be asking for some inspo if i need it :slight_smile: which i probably will to be honest

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