Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind)

A little 5k before work today


Exactly, 100% agree!
For me, moving my body, above all else, is for my mental health. The physical benefits really are a bonus. Exercise literally keeps me sane and itā€™s so important to push myself on the days I least want to do it.
Very similar to how I handle recovery and sobriety - Iā€™ve never woken up and regrettednot drinking the night beforeā€¦ Iā€™ve never finished a workout and regretted doing it. Well :thinking: except the death by burpee challengeā€¦ that one is in a league of its own :joy:


Day 86 of sobriety and it was back Day! Had a PB of 365lb! Iā€™m now deadlifting more then I squat! Pushing myself harder everyday to go heavier and keep my mind on the path of this new found clarity! Stay motivated and as always one day at a time!


Me warming up, eyeing the new Hammer Strength equipment at my gym


This is my relaxation. 20 miles, 90 minutes.
I do it 0-4 times a week, seems like three times a week lately.
Worked w weights a lot until almost two months ago. Covid rates too high for me. I have a ten and a 20 lb kettle ball at home, need to get busy doing something w them.
I think I can at least ( as opposed to doing nothing) lift them to waist level bunch of reps and then try some arm lifts etc. Anyone have good ideas let me know. I get some ideas in my email and on instagram,
Walking with one kettle ball in one hand is good. It is better ( more effective) than doing it w one in each hand. Note to self: Do It! Dont just talk about it!!

One of my favorite things I had been doing ā€œin townā€ was pulling the cables out. 15 pounds on the cable and stepping out to the side 7 or 8 steps, holding the cables between my waist and chest. Good for my abs.
I have bands but they just are not the same. They seem too easy. Am thinking about putting some around a tree and doing those pull outs.
I may suck it up and go into Planet F long enough to do those and the lat pull downs. It is a covid ward in there, though, I am sure. It was not my usual place.
I used to walk, but its been over 100 for the last 42 days. The old me of grabbing ice cold water bottle at 99F and going out is not there rt nowā€¦
Thanks for listening. I like keeping up w yā€™all and what you are doing. We are all in this together.


What about kettlebell swings? I love doing those

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Thanks @Becsta . Iā€™ve had the kettle balls at home and never done much with them ( at home) so thatā€™s a good idea thank you, I appreciate it. I hope that youā€™ll start feeling better. :hugs:

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Thank you. Physically, the mystery bug has thankfully passed, Iā€™m now just pushing through a ā€˜mentalā€™ slump but it will pass as it always does xx enjoy the swings :slightly_smiling_face:


Kettlebells are my favourite atm. I enjoy training with them so much. I have a nice workout plan provided by my fitness app. Iā€™ve also used other apps (but didnā€™t enjoyed as much). There are so many when you search for kettlebell in the Playstore.



Longest run Iā€™ve done this month and a PR to boot!! Iā€™ll take it!! My legs are a bit shaky but they feel decent. Thatā€™s progress in itself. Normally with long runs my hip flexor likes to complain but not today!!


Sober Sunday day 91: cardio and shoulder day! Feel like I donā€™t focus on my shoulders enough so today Iā€™m making them burn! I donā€™t plan or measure my days I just wake up and say this is my goal for the day!


10k on tired legs and with tons of humidity. Stoked to be sweating and sober :sunglasses:


Today I set a PR for speed. Feels good! My running goal is simple: run most mornings (there are some mornings off, but I run 4-6 days a week) to get the blood flowing at the start of the day. Today felt great!

The image in the background is the sunrise this morning :innocent:


Same! I basically sweat all day at work, and do a variety of sportsā€¦ I DO NOT miss sweating out alcohol!! :sunglasses:

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Hey everyone! If you want to add a little extra fun to your workouts, we will have an August Challenge starting soon. We had an awesome number of forum members join our July challenge, hereā€™s the link if youā€™re keen :grinning:

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Out of the gym for 10 weeks after my spinal shortening and fusion.

Just wrapped up week 6 back in the gym, 2nd week back to freeweights (1st month back had to be machines only). I was SO weak when I headed back in. Not just from not exercising for 2.5 months, but it was a reminder just how disrupted my body was/is on a neurological level from the procedure. Also needed to relearn/reestablish that mind:muscle connection. The neat thing was I could feel my muscles working better now that my spinal cord is released and muscles are activating properly.

My abdominal wall is still a mess and not working from the nerve disruption, but Iā€™m hammering my lower abdomen and flanks to get that back to how it should be.

Day 1 back in the gym vs today at the end of week 6 back at it.
Itā€™s coming back. Slowly but surely. Iā€™ve upped calories by 500-700 more per day, fuck yeah eating.


Nice to see you making progress and you in generalā€¦ hope all is good


Thanks sir. Saw you had Covid, hope youā€™re feeling better!

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Your body (and mind, no doubt) has been through so much these past few months! Youā€™re doing awesome! Great to see you back :slightly_smiling_face:

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