Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind)

Youā€™re right that was the 3.8lb for 65$ on Walmart site. I just paid 82 for the 5lb on Amazon. Always double chocolate.


I second this brand @Runningfree. Chocolate is good the vanilla is good, birthday cake is good, strawberry is good. I havenā€™t tried anything bad from them, have them on subscribe and save and I just check the prices and switch flavors for whatever is cheaper that month.

I forgot to say that this stuff mixes really well, no chunks.


I shall check out Amazon and try this brand! Thanks guys :blush:
Double chocolate sounds right up my alley @Jasty2

The update no one asked for lol I found a 2lb tub for $35 and ordered that. I try to get most of my protein from food so this will last me a few months and itā€™s not so expensive that Iā€™ll feel like I wasted money if I donā€™t like it.


This stuff is also pretty decent, tho I can only speak for this flavor. Dymatize


Last day of my 12 week cycle that I do. Time for 7-10 days off.
Good mental break. Good for the bodyā€¦at least for me.

First time in years I got to 12 weeks without having to cut it short or miss a day due to pain or injury. Missed 3 days total in there - 2 because of gym closure (holidays), 1 because of illness.

Looking forward to an extended rest.


Good on you, Thick Daddy. :+1:


We were all thinking it, Iā€™m glad you said it :joy:


That was always my brand and never gave me stomach issues. Still have a couple lbs from the 20+ i bought ways backā€¦ thanks for breaking the news to me so i didnt discover it and start ranting to my family like and old man about ā€œwhat the cost of whey isolates where back in my day!ā€ Lol


Horrible photo warning!

Four mile treadmill run does this to me, took about 6 photos before i got one in which i didnt look like i needed an ambulance :rofl:


Day 1207ā€¦ get less fat season is here againā€¦ yay :face_exhaling: lol


I watched a dude lift 990 pounds on an incline squat machine tonight. He did at least 8 reps. Only reason he didnā€™t do more weight was the rack could not hold any more plates! 11 45ā€™s on each side. Just amazing!


Possible TW needed- Having a serious issue with my internal thinking recently. Iā€™m sitting at 135 almost 10lbs up from last year. Iā€™ve become more consistent with working out the past few months and I know that the weight COULD be muscle. I know muscle weighs more than fat but I am having the hardest time with the number on the scale. I need food to fuel myself and while I know that I still find myself trying to not eat to lose weight. When I look in the mirror I still see the 170lb me not the me that is wearing xs leggings. I donā€™t see a small person in the mirror. I try to stay out of the mirror because I will poke and judge and Iā€™m so mean to myself. I try to remind myself to be happy with what I can do physically. Beasting workouts and runs but I donā€™t see that in the mirror. Even in this picture Iā€™m picking myself. I can see a roll in my stomach area and it pouches out too much.
Just getting this off my chest. Thanks for reading


Thank you for the response Colin. I really appreciate it. Your words are so true and logically I know all of that so Iā€™m not sure why my brain is messing with me lately. Iā€™m always pushing myself and then days like today I beat myself up. I was going to run but ended up on the couch because of a random ice/snow storm. I worked out 4 days this past week and had a few runs in there too so I know Iā€™m doing what my body can do physically but mentally Iā€™m judging myself for my outside and I suppose in the end while it matters to me it doesnā€™t matter for others.
Have a great day friend!
And you are right about the eating like a bird part. Last year i wasnā€™t eating much at all. Some days I wasnā€™t even getting past 1,000 calories. Iā€™m pretty sure I even posted about how I wasnā€™t eating enough and not building muscle like i wanted on here :woman_facepalming:t2:


You look fine, healthy. The number is just that, a number. That being said, as someone who also lost a bunch of weight after getting sober I am very hard on myself for consuming anything other than chicken breast or kale. Thatā€™s no way to live. Sure, 5% body fat may look nice but thatā€™s a miserable existence.
We are our own wost critics, the smallest flaws are exasperated in our minds while rarely recognized by anyone else. We all want to look good, it goes well with our newfound confidence.
I know you run alot, have you tried mixing it up with strength training?


I do weight training 3-4 times a week.

Thatā€™s for sure. I also beat myself up mentally for eating things. The hubs isnā€™t a healthy eater in the least. We have 2 different sides of the pantry lol I had some oeros the other night and man i wouldnā€™t say what I said to myself to another person even if it was my worst enemy. I wonder if there are any good podcasts to help deal with this kind of thinking.


I know exactly what you mean girl, I do the same thing. Just challenge that and tell yourself positive affirmations as hard as it can be. And you look absolutely amazing so keep up the great work.


I think personal criticism of ourselves is necessary. How else can we achieve our goals if we donā€™t hold ourselves accountable? But weā€™re flawed, Oreos, fast food, Thanksgiving, it happens. Health and happiness is a balancing act.
Iā€™m sure there are podcasts for this stuff.

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You look great :+1:as you are but if youā€™re doubting anything I recommend checking out the MindPump podcast with any questions you haveā€¦ those guyā€™s have answered pretty much any questions Iā€™ve ever had from injury recovery to diet to exercise in their videos.

Throw that scale away!


Good run this morning :confetti_ball::running_woman:t2::fire:


Cant sleep, 3am when the 12 hr work shift starts at 7am. Oh well, Merry fuckin Christmas, geuss its time to get some!