Halloween party

Anyone else a Halloween fan? I love to dress up. So I won’t be skipping out on Halloween events.I am going to something called BOOBALL here in San diego. I think my husband is hoping to meet the people from his favorite radio station because they are hosting it.
They will have a haunted room, djs, contests and tons of fun stuff HOWEVER I am planning to stay sober.Id be lying to say I’m 100% happy about that. It’s going to be my first Halloween party in years sober. My husband and I met around this time so it’s especially exciting for us.
Are you guys feeling the holiday pressure?(Halloween isnt a holiday I know)
Anyone have any tips??
I’ve done a few things sober but I feel like I need to be reminded of how to do this. I don’t want to get caught up in the party and wake up with regret.


Definitley a Halloween fan!
Dressing up as otis (Dr evil) from house of 1000 corpses :grin:
Just doing the trick or treat thing with the kid,probably stopping by the church where they have a small event with a bounce house…etc…
Last year i walked around with a friend and a bottle of vodka…my wife and his wife stayed pissed off at us the whole night!
It’s going to be nice not to be the bad guy this year (just look like one)
Personally i wouldn’t put myself in a drinking situation but if your going to go just be as strong as you can and if you start to feel leave ASAP!
maybe eat as much candy as you possibly can…a little stomach ache might prevent any cravings?


I will definitely be feeling the pressure as well this Halloween. Our best friends throw a huge Halloween party every year, and its always been a drunkfest for me. Drunk Rob story #101 hails from one of these parties. Several years ago I drank a 12 pack of stout German beer, then a full solo cup of Crown Royal no ice with a splash of coke, then a tequila shot, not to mention tossing jello shots back like appetizers. Finally my body went into revolt and I threw up, had a conversation with a horse, passed out on a trailer, then woke up and cussed out my wife in front of our friends and found the keys to our SUV which I proceeded to drive home in alone while stranding my wife and kids at the party. That invite is just around the corner, and I don’t know what I am going to do. If I go and don’t drink I will surely be hazed for it. Should be interesting. I hope you and I both have the strength to make it through sober.

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@Rikk please take pictures!!I’m a HUGE 1000 corpes/Devils rejects fan.Ive seen both at least 20 times lol
What a cool costume!
Anyway candy might be the best option!Good part is my husband used to always have to be the dd and now he doesn’t have to.I always felt so guilty.
Might be able to last at least an hour or two .
I might be poisen ivy.wanted to be something scary but couldn’t come up with anything

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@Oliverjava thanks!that’s a good way to look at it.I never got to fully enjoy halloween, not since I was a kid.I hardly remembered the second half of the night.At least sober I get to really enjoy the contests and scary rooms , djs ect.
I’ll definitely come up with a plan

@FreshOffDenial something I noticed was off when I decided to become sober was the fact that people saw how I was when I drank and yet continued to invite me to partys and drink with me.Im talking about the people who don’t have a problem. Close friends.How is it that people want us there still?
To me that’s sad, and actually makes me question alot.
I hope you have the strength as well.
So the first time I met my husband was around halloween like I said, we only knew each other for 2 weeks and we went to about 3 different halloween partys in one weekend.One particularly was the day before his bday so I was trying to show him a good time by us going to both.We walked to the 2nd party after a few beers and got pretty hammered at the next. Next thing I know my poor husband(just a guy I’m dating at the time) is nowhere to be found I was too busy with a friend picking him out of the bushes to realize my friends got my date incredibly drunk…I walk into the living room and he’s surrounded by people because he is sleeping…in a baby crib. Yes that’s right lol
I drove him to his house(wasted) across the street and took care of him.
You know now that I think back that’s the kinda story that happens to people like me often.For him it NEVER happens.
Thankfully he’s still around even with my issues.He never really drinks anyway, so this year will be alot different for us.

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Oh there will be pictures :grinning:
Not sure how I’ll be recieved when we go to the church event but hey its halloween…I’m supposed to scare the shit out of little kids!
I was going to dress up as twisty the clown from American horror story and stand in a dark corner, a bag of candy on one side of me, a small cage with a dummy child inside on the other side and wave to passer byes…but my wife won’t allow me to dress as a clown, she hates them :expressionless:

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Lmao when you said that I immediately thought of
" What’s the matter kid, don’t you like clowns?Don’t we make ya laugh? Aren’t we fuckin’ funny"
I’m not sure how it will be taken either but its a good costume nonetheless :blush:

“There is no fuckin ice cream in your fuckin future!” :joy:

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Lol!! @Rikk
One of the creepiest, grossest, funniest scary movies there is.Ive been looking for zob zombies version of halloween but none of the stores have it and the workers don’t seem to know what I’m talking about

That was the best Version of Halloween I’ve ever seen!
I tried getting my wife into the Devils rejects and house of 1000 but she just gave me that look :open_mouth: after about 5 minutes of watching

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@Rikk lol its not for everybody my husband hates horror movies hes more into comedy and starwars type stuff and If I’m being honest I actually have watched it so much that I needed a break from all the gore
&I totally agree though, it’s the best halloween there is, and I’m determined to find it.
If worse comes to worse I can always come home and watch scary movies afterwards, that’s one way to handle the need to drink lol

I think you’ll be fine…you’ve come a long way already and i think your heads in the right place!
Have faith in yourself because we do!!


@Rikk thank you!I appreciate the support :blush:

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Halloween party was a blast!I was awkward at first I’m still getting used to partying without a crutch but that’s okay I warmed up , danced, had fun and my husband was able to have a few drinks to enjoy himself and not have to be the driver.
He got to meet his favorite talkshow host and I stayed sober!!! It’s starting to become a habit.Cant believe I’m 70 days in didn’t think I’d make it through any halloween partys without a drink


@Oliverjava I won’t lie for a minute I was jealous of my husbands drink but after the same girl kept falling into me I thought, nope nevermind.Not gonna be me.lol