HALT as a warning sign

I haven’t seen it mentioned in here so thought I would bring it up, HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) are warning signs to be aware of during recovery. A person is more likely to make poor decisions when experiencing too much of one, or at extremes that they aren’t used too. Recovery is learning about your body and mind but it’s also an emotional roller coaster that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Take time for yourself as needed.


Yes, I learned about HALT in my recovery program. Definitely something to remember.

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Thank you didn’t know

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Thanks for that…almost 9 days here!!!

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Good for you. Next is day 10.

Yes! Thank you for posting this. To anyone having a craving, ask yourself these questions.
Am I too HUNGRY?
Am I too ANGRY?
Am I too LONELY?
Am i too TIRED?

This is another simple tool for your toolbox folks. Asking yourself these questions could make the difference of taking or not taking that first drink. Of beating that craving.

You may figure out that yes, you are just hungry. So you eat something. Or yes, you are just angry. This ones a little tricky but still possible to overcome by breathing excersises or walking or meditating ext… If you are just Lonely, call someone. Meet a friend for coffee. Get out of your head. And last, Are you just plain Tired? Go to sleep!!!

Thanks again for posting this pal🙂


I use this system daily! Over 200 days sober today!


Oh, this is a GREAT system. I need to memorize and use this.

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So happy to see this in here!!
HALT has been nice to know what to look for my problem has always been how to get away from those lonely and angry feelings without using?

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Angry has always been a problem for me. These days, I exercise it out. Hitting the heavy bag at the gym will make you feel better and wear you right out.

Lonely, I figure, has two options. Reach out to someone so you’re not alone, or become comfortable with yourself. The 2nd one is harder, but I find more rewarding. The first is a good shorter-term solution.


(Bump!) Lots of threads asking, “I feel it coming, what do I do?” Well here’s something.

Feel the urge? HALT. Ask yourself, Am I hungry, angry, lonely or tired? You can do something about those things. For the sake of sobriety, stop and take care of that first. They can easily bring on the humming sensation to pick up, and just as easily be fixed.

Hungry? Have a snack.
Angry? Step aside, cool off, reach out to another sober person.
Lonely? Hop on here or call friends/family. Maybe just ask how others are doing.
Tired? Sleep! Or at least acknowledge you’re tired, and resolve to let it go until you’ve rested.

We can be more raw than usual sober, especially in the early days. Listen to your body. Don’t throw everything away just cuz you missed lunch. :joy:

It’s amazing how often this still works, even with a few sober days behind me.