Happy birthday me

Day 2 in the hospital. Yesterday was my 29th birthday, and I feel so completely alone. I’m tired of being poked but they couldn’t find a vein. Do it took 6 sticks. But I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old so it’s all worth it. Just feeling hopeless right now. Going on 3 days sober, after 4 years drinking. I wish it wasn’t this hard.


Dear Nicole, happy sober birthday to you! I hope you will be disharged from hospital very soon and return to your beloved family healthy and sober. It is great that you have found this forum, you will have a lot of support on your journey. Wishing you the best.


It’s hard in those early days especially when you get a rude awakening like being in the hospital. But you’re absolutely right that there’s a reason to be here and a reason to press on: not just your kids, it also yourself and your life. There is value in life and you’ll see it more and more as you work your recovery.

Try reading up a bit and learning what you can while you’re recovering:

Resources for our recovery

Keep checking in here and stay focused. Share share share your feelings and experience - you’ll be surprised the difference it makes :innocent:

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Happy 29th birthday!!! U may feel alone, but u truly aren’t. U have a wonderful community of people here on this forum! This place has saved me from many lonely times. It is hard… yes. But is it worth it?.. absolutely. Just focus on the 24 hours ahead. That’s it :slight_smile: u have a family who need u and u urseld also deserve to live a beautiful clean and sober life! hugs


Thank you, I need any support I can find. My husband is considering having me go to a 30 day program. But the only place that insurance pays for is not a good place. I told him I’d do it if he wants me to but I’d like to maybe find a sponsor and try AA.


Happy birthday, Nicole! It won’t always be this hard and you ARE strong enough to do this. Nice to see you here!


I know the feeling. I landed in the hospital/ ICU last time. On Day 39 now working my AA program has made all the difference. Sending you lots of Hope and Serenity !!!