Has your body improved?

For whom who quit alcohol some months ago , did you find any improvements in your body or face?


Oh yes!!


Oh wow @Tim you’re a new man!!! Looking great.
Way to go :muscle: :smile: :muscle: :smile:

Congratulations!!! It’s awesome!

Thanks @Zara @Enrico81. I was working out too. But I’d never of worked out if hungover


Do / Did you have sugar cravings once you became sober?

But you put the work in and it’s paying off!!! You’re right, that would never have happened with alcohol in your life. Congratulations :tada:

How long is your sobriety??

Hi. No I didn’t. I replaced booze with diet coke but that’s all.

Hi @Zara. Well I’ll be honest…I started my journey June 10th 2016 and had 87 days sober. I then thought I didn’t have a problem. So went back on it. I have relapsed and relapsed but have made 10 days sober again and seeing how I look now won’t go back. How you doing?

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Hi @Enrico81 I’ve seen lot of change to my body as well. I was able to start light exercising when I quit the booze- my fitness has dramatically improved now, I’ve lost 32lbs so far and dropped 3 dress sizes. :smile:


Day 80 something here :smiley:


That’s fantastic. How you finding it?

Honestly, I’m feeling stronger by the day, physically and mentally. And this forum has been hugely responsible for that :purple_heart:


That’s great to hear. :blush:

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No kidding you look great!

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Thanks @nillafresh. Really kind of you. My ‘mate’ says I look too skinny but I informed him I wanted to compete in athletics to which he said why? We’re no longer on the same wavelength.


Wow - what a transformation!! Well done you! :relaxed:

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Awe well it sucks you two aren’t seeing eye to eye. Maybe one day!

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After beginning a workout regiment and dieting i.e. Eating more healthy and watching what I actually put in my body a few things happened…I lost weight went from size 38 pants to 32…my skin began to look way more healthy…my nails on my fingers and toes after a few months started growing normally and grew strong again…when I was using they were wavy like they grew in spurts…it wasn’t too noticeable to others but I noticed it because they weren’t smooth any more they had ridges…there is probably more but that should give u an idea of some of the physics benefits…oh yeah…I started standing up taller…before I would kind of walk around hunched a little bit


Yes, I look and feel like a different person. I’m not dieting or doing any extra exercise (I have an active job anyway). I drink a ton of water, coconut water, take vitamins and most importantly I’m not drinking alcohol, smoking crack, or binge eating junk food. My weight hasn’t changed much but I’ve exchanged fat for muscle. I’m much stronger and have a ton more energy to get things done. My skin has improved dramatically. Most importantly, I have life back in my eyes.