I find these days music has become a huge outlet for me…what song motivates you or has touched you during your recovery…anyone care to share?
It’s a lot of songs from HS with me.
I did not start using till later on and listening to it reminds me of those times. When I wasn’t lost in my mind with my feelings. A much simpler time
HS…as in high school?
Music is powerful tool of expression; I write/record music to help me through this thing called life. Its therapeutic expression, I enjoy it.
Yes lol. I’m 31 so it’s been a little bit lol.
I do have one that I go to that’s not from then but I’m an 80’s baby that loves 80’s music . Sorry not sorry lol.
Come Undone by Duran Duran
I’m an 80s baby too! Can’t get enough if it. Everyone looks at me like I’m crazy, but that’s the music I like. And I never though my if it, but it just may be for the same reason as yours; takes me back to a time when things were fresh and new and simple
Back in the 80s, went to see Toyah Wilcox, Bristol Colston Hall.
The support band was one no one had heard of. New kids obviously. Called Duran Duran. One song stood out “Planet Earth”.
Wonder what happened to them?
For me right now i enjoy the song …it’s a great day to be alive by travis tritt…i love when he says:
Yeah I think I’ll make me some home-made soup
I’m feeling pretty good and that’s the truth
It’s neither drink nor drug induced, no,
I’m just doing alright
Im not a big fan of new rap. Ive always enjoyed the older 80s-90s stuff. But!!! A guy by the name of NF (“Let you Down” is his biggest hit) has an album called Therapy Sessions… That has been on repeat the past couple days! Otherwise, a lot of CCR lately. Always seem so up beat lol. Anthrax has been on there too lately as well as my favorite folk artist Tim Barry.
I do like NF myself
And the music video to let you down is so powerful i cried when i saw it
Same as Dan @Dejavu - i play and write but i dont record at the moment.
You’ll find me in the metal thread
NF is amazing. I regret not seeing him this year and he was playing on my birthday
@goBlue24 dang that really stinks i feel for you
@anon84416494 how do i find your metal thread…i have only shared on this app and responded to others. Never looked for a thread
I was coming back from a relapse. I regret that decision but to not go. I don’t like myself very much right now or at all really and it’s been this way for awhile
Nah i tried to link it but didnt work. Failure.
On the main forum, have you drop down on ‘Latest’. If you scroll down you should see a thread called ‘Metal Thread’.
Here’s the link. Metal Thread
Havent seen the video yet
Its likel that loving yourself leads to better decisions, which make your life better and then, lead to you lovibg yourself more. Its the opposite of a vicious cycle and everyone can start by loving oneself
Techno music has always been the best motivator, even though for some its drug related. I listen to minimal when I need to work and study, to goa when I do workouts , and I listen to it when I need to get awake quickly, when i wanna keep a night up without caffeine or drugs Ill listen to techno, and its awesome dance music for me , a good craving prevention