Heartbreak vent - words of encouragement appreciated 💙 TW: suicide/self harm

Continuing the discussion from Checking in daily to maintain focus #69:

Won’t let me copy and paste my text so I posted the link.

Broke up with someone I fell in love with.
Feeling extremely heartbroken/distraught. To the point I’ve had some brief thoughts of suicide (I’ve had them enough times in my life that I know I will never make that decision - I am safe, sometimes the thoughts come anyway). Also considering self harm which I havent done in forever. I’m really hurting right now. Part of me knows I made the right decision and that this person wouldnt be best for me in the long run. The other part of me is in complete agony, asking myself why I made such a rash decision and that I should have given him more of a chance. I feel like I’m suffocating. Help please lol.

This person was extremely special and I know I’m never going to meet someone like him again. (Doesn’t mean he’s right for me but it makes it that much harder).

Reassurance is appreciated that I made the right decision. I already noticed red flags and some narcissistic traits. Trying to remind myself that thats enough of a reason for it to not be worth it. Rather than falling deeper in with this person and it becoming even harder to leave in the future.


@wahtisnormal I am so sorry to hear you are hurting so much right now. Feeling heartbroken is a devastating and almost crippling feeling. The love you felt and perhaps still feel is very clear. It’s a scary thought to think you will never meet anyone quite like him. I cannot tell you what the future holds, what I do know is that you have an incredible sense of self worth and self love. Which is so important in life. You made a tough decision to break up with the one you love because you feel he’s not got for you. That to me shows that you know what you deserve and should be treated like in life. Good things will for sure come from this. Me personally, if I was you right now, would just let out all the pain you are feeling. Cry when you feel like it, reach out to us, but please do not self harm. We are here to listen to you and comfort you. I wish I could do more, but I am thinking of you and wishing you strength to get through this rough time.


Thank you so much, that means a lot :pray:t2::blue_heart: definitely good things to keep in mind, I truly appreciate it

Hi @wahtisnormal im sorry to hear your so sad right now heartbreak is a tough emotion especially as your the one who broke up with them . It’s ok to feel those feelings it’s not nice but if it’s for the best then you’ve made the right decision for you please don’t self harm try and choose self care and love for yourself get plenty of rest and try not to obsess over your decision we’re here for you sending love and hugs :kissing_heart:


I’m sorry the breakup is creating suicidal thoughts… grateful to hear that you are safe. I’m here to tell you that you made the right decision. Even one red flag is too many. You are special and deserve someone special…don’t settle. The traits that made you fall in love are going to be in others…the good thing is that you are now opening up your heart. You never know who’s out there waiting for you.

Sending you love and hugs :kissing_heart: :hugs: :heart:


Thank you for taking the time to reassure me, that’s what I’ve been telling myself but it really helps hearing it from others. I appreciate you :pray:t2::pray:t2:

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Thank you, I truly appreciate it :face_holding_back_tears::pray:t2:

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Heartbreak is hurtful, sending you hugs :people_hugging:
When you notice red flags it is brave and selfcaring to come up with consequences. Taking good care of ourselfs and sticking to our boundaries can sometimes be hurtful. It is necessary to prevent getting lost in unhealthy patterns, relationships and situations that would hurt us even more and create damage.
From my own experience I can recommend being kind & friendly to yourself, some extra comfort like a scented bath & interesting book. This helps me when I have to keep my boundaries against my own longing and codependent thinking.


So true. Thank you so much for the response and the suggestions, it means more than you know :pray:t2:

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Very welcome, you are not alone and you can always come here to share, vent, ask :people_hugging:
there is a beautiful thread where we share relationship struggles of any kind, it’s not limited to loved ones who are addicted though most posts refer to addicted loved ones. check it out if you like Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict?

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Today has been a roller coster ride today for me with all the thoughts in my head i don’t understand why why is heartbreak seem so much worse than relapsing in our heads i guess its because it takes the hurt away for a little while. Suicide thoughts keep coming over and over in my head and hopes and maybes then the anger and the self pitty and i feel i set myself up for that over and over again

Heartbreaks are so hard, especially because we usually see a future with that person. I’m sending you hugs, we will get through this, we will find someone who’s right for us. Please continue to reach out if you’re having these thoughts, know that this pain is temporary and the future holds so much for us :heart:


I get those thoughts so much ive dream about it all the time amd i cry more than i ever have over anyone

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Beautiful post @wahtisnormal i hope your heart is becoming a bit lighter today :kissing_heart:


It’s ok to cry mate it’s healing ,it’s ok to sit with heartbreak sometimes… just don’t move all your stuff in ….we are not defined by another human and we are heading where we need to be :kissing_heart:

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Thank you all for the nice reply s I just dont want to feel the way i have been feeling this days. Life this day so unbearable. I sit and look back and start crying. I meet with my ex yesterday and it was so hard to do because i still want to be but i guess it was some kinda closer. I was thinking about all the things she has told me and she is right about so much like acting like a kid . No self-esteem calling her over and over again tell she would text or answer the phone even though she might do it back to me instead of just answering the phone I tried to explain sometimes it’s unbearable I have to come to understanding it’s over not message or talk to her kiss or hold her no more somebody post something about seeing a future with somebody and I did with her like they said she’s been seeing things once I got hurt and wasn’t working the person she met I was happy self confident independent went away and that’s not who shoot asked for

Isnt who she asked for

I have my moments still cry not dry mad