Hello again everyone

Hi everyone - Long time no see.

I hope everyone is doing well and for those who don’t know me/remember me, my name is Josh and I am an alcoholic. I was here, sober for 539 days and threw the towel in when things got hard. I have relapsed so badly and this time I genuinely need to get sober. Last night, I was hospitalised because of my drinking - I was writhing around on the floor in pain. My chest felt like an elephant was sitting on it and when my mother, brother came, they had to restrain me. They called an ambulance and my heart rate was 148pm and stayed like that for nearly 7 hours. I got out of hospital at 6am and managed to get myself home… The worst thing was, I thought there were two beers in my fridge and was going to drink them. I had already drunk them and was so relieved.

I’ve been an addict for 15 years; drugs and alcohol. I gave up drugs 5 years ago on September 20th 2018 and today, October 20th 2023, im vowing that I will never let another stitch of alcohol cross my lips again. If I don’t, it’s going to kill me, I don’t want to live like this anymore. I wrote a submission statement to my family and will be going to my first AA meeting tomorrow morning. This is my last opportunity to get sober.

I commit to using this forum every day again, even if it is just reading more than posting but I will try to post every day.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to catching up with you soon


Thankyou very much. I used to love how supportive this forum is and I really regret that I stopped using it and gave in to my cravings


Welcome home Josh.
As someone said to me when I came back “you know the drill”. Make the best of it :muscle:


I wrote a list today which is going to be my new way of life.

I said to mum that I think I have to write a list. Some may seem silly on their face but this is it

  1. This is an alcohol free home
  2. Have conversations with family daily.
  3. Open all the curtains when you wake up.
  4. Clean the flat for 30 mins every day
  5. Plan your day
  6. Go to bed at a reasonable time
  7. Limit caffeine - Don’t get wired
  8. Have coffee with mum twice a week
  9. Don’t stay in bed all day on off days.
  10. Don’t leave plates piled in the sink
  11. Make the effort to go outside everyday
  12. Always make sure you have a book to read
  13. Make sure you eat
  14. Count the days - 0ct 20th 2023 is day one
  15. Be honest with others and yourself
  16. Be proud to say “I don’t drink”
  17. Process your thoughts and be prepared to let things go
  18. Don’t just play guitar and watch tv - also put the phone down
  19. Understand that Prague was not a healthy place. You left in 2018; it’s time to leave it there
  20. You don’t have to be your own worst enemy; don’t give yourself reason to be.

Thankyou so much. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Excellent list Josh!
I believe in you :grin::metal:


This wasn’t just a poor decision. This was nearly life threatening. I drove so many people away aswell and I just want to put things right.


….thank you for the honesty…sobriety is the only way in the case of a chronic illness and will be safe your live :four_leaf_clover:
Stay sober :pray:


Yay! My best friend best buddy is back, and that makes me happy. Welcome back @DresdenLaPage, stick around why not?


Thank you for sharing your story and strategies. I wish you all the best.


Oh Dan, you always know how to melt my heart lol believe me. This time, I’m sticking around and if I don’t post, send me a WhatsApp message telling me to post


Hi Josh welcome back! I remember coming home from the hospital early morning after my last stand with the booze…i was broken…out of total desperation i found this place and ive been here pretty much every day since…im now just under 14 months sober and i dont think thats a coincidence, stick around this time man we all need each other


Welcome back Josh!


Hello! Congratulations on your 14 months and thankyou for your kind welcome :slight_smile: I made 14 months last time round - this time I want to make it lifelong. I hope you are well I’m:)


Same, i never want to feel like i did on my rock bottom ever again…it scared the shit outta me to be honest, i say to myself now that relapse just isnt an option for me…theres too much at stake and so i will find another way…turns out those other ways are plentiful, youve done it before you can do it again friend

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Hey Josh,

Good to see you back, tho sorry about the reason. So glad to hear you are still clean from the drugs. I know I substituted one for the other in my journey, so I get that. All about the escape.

It is really good to see you again. Are you still cheffing? :heart::people_hugging::heart:


Welcome back Josh. Man, I’m really glad to see you here again! :smiley:


That’s the attitude. Relapse is not an option. I will adopt that from now on!



So good to see you again! I hope you are well?

Still clean from drugs, yes but I’ve got to get the alcohol sorted and I have to prioritise my health again.

I’m not cheffing now but am hoping to be doing so again soon :slight_smile:


Welcome back Josh, was wondering where you’d got too.

Sounds you’ve admitted you’re powerless over alcohol and your life has become unmanageable :pray:

I’m here if you need anything

You know it’s possible and it’s there for the taking if you really want it