Hello Everyone here

Just wanted to say hello to everyone here.
It’s only been 5 days for me so far and I’m fighting really hard today.
I’ve been a heavy drinker (heavy everyday) for years now but my reason for quitting is my granddaughter.:heart:
She’s 6 and was just diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome.
I want to be better for her. I want to be sober for me and her!!! Hopefully this will ease a bit after another couple of days…
I’m tired of embarrassing myself. I’m tired of starting fights( sometimes physical ) with my family and my husband. I used to be one of the top 3 archers in my division in the world and I embarrassed myself so badly in front of everyone one night drunk that I just quit so I wouldn’t have to show my face again. I was so ashamed the next morning :woman_facepalming:
I smoked cigarettes for 24 years and quit but no kidding… this habit is probably gonna be harder for me because my family has a history of alcohol abuse.
Idk, I’m definitely trying. I’m trying


Welcome Ginny. Great start on your 5 days. I’m so sorry about your granddaughter. Whatever reason it takes to begin our sober journey you will find that you are worth all the blessings sobriety has to offer. And so is your granddaughter. Keep reading around here today if you are struggling. Just for today don’t pick up. That’s all we do around here. Just for today we try not to pick up that first drink.

Have a good read around here. This place has been a great place for me to get support in my sobriety. Addiction is too tough to go it alone. We are stronger in numbers. And we are all worth it.


Here are two good threads to start:


Hi Manda! Welcome!! I’m so happy you’re here! Stopping for your grand baby is beautiful. Make sure you take proper steps for yourself too. Do some research, look around, and ask lots of questions! I look forward to having you around! :heart:


@Ginny1976 Welcome to TS, congrats on 5 days :tada:. I too was diagnosed with Tourettes at that age, I’m 33 now. it’s great that you want to be supportive and fully present for your granddaughter, and for yourself. Stick around, read lots, you’ll find so much support :blush:


Thank u so much for your advice! So you’re a Tourette’s warrior? Many prayers to u.
We’re just learning how to help her a little bit.
I fought thru yesterday but it was hard. First Saturday in I don’t remember when I spent without alcohol.
Hope I can do the same today.
Hope u have a great, sober day!!!


your doing amazing, keep reaching out and keep reading posts. You are not alone anymore and you don’t have to drink anymore.


5 days is wonderful you can do it🤗


Welcome Manda! You’re showing courage coming here. Never give up, never stop trying. Every day is worth it :innocent:

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Glad to have you aboard Manda! Together we can do this and the more the stronger we are. If you can do five days, you can do six. If it gets hard come here and post. Don’t try to go it alone! Welcome to this great place with loads of wonderful people and success in your journey!

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