Hello New Here

Hi. I’m glad I stumbled on this site. I spent many years in recovery only to throw it away in July of 2022. I’ve pretty much lost everything. My trigger that started it was leaning on alcohol to get me through a very hard time after my husband was in a serious accident. I couldn’t eat, sleep or function. But picking up that first drink was not the answer.

It only escalated and in June of last year my husband left and filed for divorce. So he is now my ex husband. We had been together almost 30 years. I spent 18 days in ICU and 23 total days hospitalized with pneumonia, pancreatitis and severe withdrawal the end of June into July of 2023. Even that didn’t stop me. I lost my job because I couldn’t focus and made stupid mistakes I never would have made ordinarily. I’ve been unable to maintain employment since and I’m literally on the verge of losing everything.
My ex wants me out of the house in 9 days. I have nowhere to go. The stress of all this makes it even harder to stay sober. But I did quit a few days ago. My grown children won’t talk to me or let me see my grands which is very painful.

I’m doing my best to find another job and I’m terrified of being homeless. I need to go back to 12 step meetings but frankly I can’t even buy gas or afford basic necessities. So I’m reading literature and seeking support online where I can.
That’s just a little of my story. I feel very alone and my self worth is in the toilet. I appreciate reading some of your stories and I’m trying to have hope.
Thank you for being here.


Welcome Janet this is a great place for online support I hope to see you visiting here regularly :heart:


Oh Janet my heart sank when i read this, this is alot…youve been through so much so first off i really want to send you some love and big hugs and tell you that you are so very welcome here with us :heart: :people_hugging: there will always be a place for you here with this community…trust me when i say that we all understand here and know what its like to be an addict so keep talking. You certainly wont be the first or the last to use the booze to cope thats for sure i know i did and then slowly but surely it got its claws in…you can change that though with our help.

You are not alone now you have us xx


Welcome Janet! So glad you found us. You’ve got a lot on your plate right now but as long as you stay sober, life will get better. Have you considered meetings online? I personally like in person much better but the online ones got me through the pandemic sober. I’ll drop a link to the platform I use. They have 70 AA meetings a week. You can just listen if you’re not comfortable sharing.

Welcome, Janet. So glad you are here. We are here to support each other. Wishing you strength and peace of mind :heart:

Welcome to the community @Justjan I’m glad you found us.
There is so much support on here and people who can relate to what you are going through. Addiction has taken from all of us in one way or another.
Life can and will get better though if we stay away from whatever substance had us in its grip. Just one day at a time. You’ve got this, and we’ve got you :muscle::people_hugging::heart:

Hi and welcome here,
Hope and determination and accepting all the help you can get. That’s the ground to build a new sober life on.
What are you willing to do?

I was a bit confused by your sober date on your profile. Is that a typo? Ore is that the date you wanna quit? If so why not quit today? :hugs:

What has helped me a lot to get sober was this thread, maybe you like to join?Checking in daily to maintain focus #64 It’s a very active thread with all kind of people in all kind of stages of recovery. We check in there sober and talk about our days, the good and bad and help eachother out. We also learn a lot from eachother.
Hope to see you there! :raising_hand_woman:

Welcome to the forum! Im glad ur here :slight_smile: thank u for sharing a bit of ur story. Sounds like uv been thru alot lately. I hope this forum will give u a sense of connection and support. This forum has been the biggest tool that has saved me. Online meetings have also been a wonderful addition to my recovery and maybe they could be for u too? I go to the Intherooms app and join in when i can. Hope u stay connected to us. Sending u love and light as u get thru what ur going thru

Hi and welcome Janet thanks for sharing your story.There are no 2 ways about it you are at rock bottom but that has made you make the decision you want a better life. It may seem so far off but slowly by doing the right things you can still climb that ladder 1 rung at a time and be alcohol free and live a great life its tough but anything worth doing is i wish you all the best on your journey and highly recommend checking in daily to the forum if only to read inspiring or set back posts as we learn from our mistakes also . ADAAT :muscle: you got this.

Welcome to the community.

I suspect that the date is in American format, March 4, not the rest of the world format, April 3. This is one of the headaches of database design in my world.

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Aha :face_with_peeking_eye: Could have thought of that myself :hugs:
Thank you Dan!

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Yes. American format. March 4th. Thank you.