Hello New to the Community

Hello all this is my first day on the app. I drank on June 2nd, 20th and 24th. I have attempted to stop drinking so many times. I can usually make it about 3 weeks and then I think it’s only one day and binge drink. The problem is I cannot have 2 drinks and call it a day. The one day de-rails me and I feel awful. June 2nd my drinking caused me to make bad decisions in Vegas. It cost me a lot of money. I thought that was going to be the catalyst to stop, but I went back to it. I am joining this community in hopes of getting support. I plan on reading and writing posts when I have the urge to drink. I have a good feeling about being a part of this community and have hope we all can beat the addiction and lead healthy fulfilling lives.


You can pick your rock bottom. It doesnt have to get any worse. Ive found great comfort and fellowship and encouragement on this app. My problem was one drink was never enough


Thanks for sharing Cjp. I know what you mean. One turns into 12


Little trick on here if you use the at sign (@Bcrew122 ) a list of usernames pop up and that notifies the user of a message :slight_smile:


Welcome Brian. This is a great sober community to get and give support. My being active on here giving support, and getting support, before the urges hit, really helps prevent getting the urges. What I’m trying to say is I participate a lot on here to prevent the urges in the first place.
Have a good read around.
Advice for new comers and constant relapsers

Join in when your comfortable.
I hope to see you around.


Welcome. This app has helped me so much. There’s so much support. Congratulations on reaching out. We are but one message away when you need us. :heart:🛼


Thank you Mali, I appreciate that.

Thank you Dazercat appreciate the warm welcome.

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This app is a great tool. It’s been of a lot of help for me the last days and I’m sure you will find it as so too. Share and comment. Lots of good reads on here. I’m pretty new but welcome to the community.

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This app is a great tool. Last year it kept me sober almost 5 months. The best 5 months I’d had in years.

What I noticed helped me the most was coming here daily and reading, commenting and posting when I felt the urge to drink.

You totally explained my story in your post. One or two is never enough for me. After just a sip I’ll drink until I don’t remember anything. Then I’ll wake up the next day and find out what a disasters I created the night before, all the while feeling half dead from the hangover.
Today I reset my counter and promised my 15 yr old I will not drink the remainder of my vacation. Hopefully I never drink again, but starting with a small goal to make it to July 5th and then I’ll make a new goal.

Hang in there, every day gets easier!!


Welcome to the community. I think just about everyone here knows the pain of making terrible decisions when drinking or using. This forum can be a good tool in your sobriety tool box. There are so many resources for you to take advantage of. Jump in to the threads and post as much as you need. There is a thread for a daily check in that might be useful to you. The journey can seem impossibly long when you first start, but 1000 days down the road, you’ll realize that you probably don’t even notice the journey very much. What you don’t make room for in your life tends to fade away. Be kind to yourself. You will get where you want to go.

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