Help finding a sponsor

Im a recovering alcoholicthat doesn’t know ny thing about finding a decent sponsor. I.e. where to find one, what to look for in a sponsor, how do i go about asking a person to be my sponsor, and what is is role of a sponsor. Also can I fire a sponsorif it isnt working out. As of lately I have been doing alot of SMART recovery is this route of recovery shunned by AA groups or can they work in tandem?


Welcome, attached is the link to info on sponsorship in AA.
You can do Smart and AA if you wish, it’s totally up to you.
Good luck, choosing recovery in whatever form is a huge step forward :+1:

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I found my sponsor by going to meetings and seeing who I vibed with and who I could imagine telling my deepest secrets and fears to.
And yes, you can absolutely fire a sponsor. A lot of sponsors will also offer or be willing to try a temporary sponsorship to see if it works for both of you. It has to be mutual, so your sponsor can also decide that it’s not working for them.

Do you have to be active in AA to have a sponsor?

Following, coming off relapsing 3 days ago I always wondered what the role of a sponsor was, and where to find one

If your in person meetings are shut down still I am willing to be a temporary sponsor until you are able to find one in person. Just let me know if you have a big book.


What exactly do you mean by “sponsor”? I’ve only ever heard of the concept associated with AA, and anyone who’s been through the program and is open to be a sponsor will likely expect you to be willing to work the steps and attend meetings

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Can’t do meetings by me due to covid…

There are zoom meetings available

If face to face meetings still aren’t available where you are Derek’s offer to be a temporary sponsor is amazing! There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving it a go. Thanks @Englishd :pray:

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