Isn’t it CRAZY how one moment I can be feeling just great in sobriety and the next my mouth is LITERALLY watering for a drink!!! I am feeling some serious pull. All the signs. Help, help, help! I know all the bad stuff and my mind won’t let me recognize it as reality!!! Literally!!! I feel like I’m just a hopeless case sometimes…and I hate having to deal with real emotions! :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:


It gets better! That is the good news…i kept myself busy…i would burn thru lists of stuff to do…just keeping myself occupied…i think I read everything on here twice. You got this


Keep it together tell yourself that it’s only a temporary emotion and you can beat it don’t let your mind control you… You control your mind


My addiction is SCREAMING at me ONE MORE TIME. Which we all know means MORE THAN ONE MORE TIME. :broken_heart:

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Don’t! I relapsed Thursday, and I feel awful about it! Not to mention the horrifying nausea, diarrhea, and shakes. None of that has been pleasant. It certainly was NOT worth it. You are strong! Alcohol is from fucking Satan. Don’t hang out with Satan. He’s a dick.


How far along into sobriety are you? This is day 51 for me, I think. That first month was really hard, full of cravings, but now I hardly think about drinking. During that first week, I really occupied myself by immersing myself in the idea of sobriety. I read all the threads on this forum, I asked questions, I commented on threads, I made a list of all the reasons not to drink, I made a relapse prevention plan, and I worked in coming up with my own version of the 12 steps. I tried a bunch of non-alcoholic drinks trying to find something I liked that felt special. For me, the key was not just staying busy, but staying busy thinking about and working on sobriety. Really hammering the mindset into my head.

The cravings do pass. Stay away from alcohol if you can. Don’t keep it in the house. Don’t go near it in the grocery store. Don’t go to restaurants that serve it, or bars. If you stay away from it, then when a craving hits you have several obstacles between you and the alcohol, and the craving can pass before you reach the alcohol.

Good luck. We’re all here for you.


I’m 8 days in and have had bouts of sobriety before. It’s everywhere though! I mean unless I lock myself in a cage I am literally going to see it just driving down the street—liquor stores, bars, restaurants, gas stations, convenient stores, pharmacy—everywhere! So exhausting. I can’t wait to be DONE with this madness. I just want to be healed.


On days where cravings are strong, you may need to stay home and not go anywhere. Or alter your driving route. I did those things when I felt in danger of stopping somewhere to buy some.


It’s so crazy how literally one minute I feel like I’ve got this then the next I’m thinking about buying a bottle of wine. It’s insane! I hate it. I’m trying just like you. I keep telling myself this will pass… someone once told me sobriety is like a muscle, the more you reject your cravings the stronger your sober self becomes. It makes sense.


I was upto 50 days and I had to reset last week… It’s hard sometimes but you’ve got this… You will be soo proud of yourself tomorrow, I promise!!! Go and get a tall ice cold drink of pop or water and I mean ICE COLD… Rehydrate and get some tunes on and most of all RELAX, BREATH SLOW AND FOCUS XXXXXX we are all here with you hun


That’s obvious. I’m all for Satan, just not ingesting him. Lol


We are in the same boat my friend. Ok I hope this isn’t too much info for the site but does anyone feel all tingly when they think about it and they feel the moment could be close??? It’s super weird—my body is literally getting excited even though my mind is having a total battle inside.

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I would tell that craving, that little voice to f@($ off in the beginning…litterally out loud…gave me the feeling of control…then I would drink tea until I burst


Why are you sober in the first place? What’s the single most regretful, terrible, ugly thing you did while drinking that has caused the most shame to you? I think the drink through, focus on the absolutely horrendous things done while drunk because you’ll eventually get back to that and probably turn it into a common happening.


This is great advice.

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The sensations you are feeling is your body’s anticipation for alcohol.
Lots of people have given great ideas. Find something you enjoy, the feelings will pass.


Scream back at it and tell it to fuck off its not your friend and you have new friends now :joy: :joy:


Remember all the reasons you quit drinking. Play that tape all the way through till the end. Remember your last drunk how horrible you felt… pray, pray, pray! I dont care what your higher power is, just pray to whatever that the cravings go away and to bring you out on the other side… the sober side! Make a gratitude list and remember the things your grateful for. Take it moment by moment. If i just dont drink for the next 10 min, ill be ok. Hit a meeting! Wont hurt anything… Call someone and let them know what youre going through…
Hope this helps!


Unfortunately it will probably be that way on and off for a few weeks! I had a horrible craving out of nowhere yesterday. My anxiety shot through the roof and I was pacing in my house. I actually felt like I was gonna cry it was so overwhelming. I made myself some tea and went for a walk to try and calm down. It passed eventually but took about an hour. It was so awful. Cravings absolutely suck and the only way to deal with it is unfortunately to just let it happen. Try to preoccupy yourself with something you enjoy. Stay strong!! Just keep reminding yourself it won’t be worth it!!


He doesnt love us, and neither does booze.