Help I’m so confused

Hey what’s up everybody I’m new confused but at least I’m still sober


Welcome! Confused - join the club. :innocent: We’re all taking it one day at a time!

Read up and dive into some of the threads here. You’ll find lots of valuable experience and info :innocent:

Welcome to Talking Sober :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Welcome Hasty.
Have a good read around here. This place has been a great place for me to get support in my sobriety. Addiction is too tough to go it alone. We are stronger in numbers. And we are all worth it.


Here are two good threads to start:


Welcome! We are all walking different roads on the same path! Confused? Join the club! Keep it one day at a time! Read and post often. This is a great place to be and another tool on your journey. This place will change your life if you are willing and focused. Don’t be a stranger.

If you are sober, there’s one thing you aren’t confused about.

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That’s the first step, right? At least you are clear in the head enough to know you are confused. Someone told me today, you don’t need to have the answers! You don’t even know the questions!
I thought that resonated so well. You got this.