Help... Need encouragement and support tonight

Im working a bartending shift tonight. This has typically been a time where I relapse. If people could leave some words to keep me making the better choice of not drinking that would be very helpful :pray::pray::pray:


That sounds like a very rough and triggering night. Honestly, what has always helped me was to find the disgust in alcohol and drugs. Instead of thinking of its “benefits” (which is a complete lie bcuz as we all know, drugs and alcohol only cause us pain), try to focus on the reality of alcohol. Remind urself what alcohol actually does to u and everything around u. And realize the guilt and shame that would arise due to have ur set ur timer again. It’ll be tough but stay focused on ur recovery. U got this!


Just saw a pretty cool post from a friend in recovery… “Your prefrontal cortex is where YOU live, alcohol turns it off.” More understanding as to why I don’t even know who I am anymore. More reason to quit drinking and rediscover and recreat myself


Oh wow, love that quote. Every time I have drank is to switch off and avoid handling emotions (even good ones).

How are you doing? That is such a challenging environment to be in. Hope it is going ok


Ok so far. The wedding hasn’t even started yet. Was suppose to start at 4…
I can do this I just need to pour out any extras and go home when my shift is done. I’m going fishing with my dad tomorrow I can’t be hungover or blow him off for stupid decisions


What time is it there? That would be super late here as 9.30 (in UK) :rofl:

You have got this. Play the tape forward and think of tomorrow. I have been so guilty of borrowing from tomorrow in the past. Think how good you will feel instead.


One of the things that really helps me is a note I have on my phone that I typed up with the pros and cons of drinking. The pros are just as helpful for me to read as the cons, things like fear of missing out, immediate gratification, shutting down my brain (I just saw your comment/quote, that’s a good one), drinking out of habit. The cons are things that tend to be more long term benefits of being sober and I need a reminder sometimes of why drinking is just not what I want to be doing in my life anymore.

Hang in there and do whatever it takes. It’s worth it, you’re worth it.


It’s almost 5 here US eastern Time. I do need to remember that I’m only taking away precious time from my tomorrow


Thank you :heart:

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I definitely have fomo. I hate that. And I don’t know why? I am never missing out on anything. Idk if I think I’m going to meet Mr right at a bar? That’s where I met my last two exes and it ended horribly for me. So why would I ever want that again? I signed up for a bunch of yoga classes this week and a hike on Thursday night. I need to stop making excuses and show up for myself! Idk why I keep going back. I love the mentality that i am only taking away time from tomorrow by choosing to drink. I deserve a nice relaxing not hungover day with my dad tomorrow. I know I am happier when I don’t drink. If i drank tonight I would be crabby, hungover, tired…
That does not sound like a good time spent on my one day off


Im also slowly deleting my social media accounts. I been seeking validation and looking for “love” or acceptance/attention in all the wrong places. I have my Bible app, this app and Pinterest lol I will be deleting my beverage tab though. Social media can also be triggering for me seeing people out drinking or restaurants I follow showing drinks 🤦


Super smart move. I “purged” my FB and only have people I want to keep in touch with and that was a huge help. Same with Instagram and I stay pretty private. There is a lot of toxicity out there. I’m so grateful I never joined Twitter.

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I hear you on the FOMO. It was a big problem for me when I first started my sober journey. It’s a weird way to feel and for me I think it was/is rooted in some feelings around inadequacy. Not feeling “good enough” or worthy. Had to do a lot of soul searching there.

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I did it. 30 mins left. No desire to drink or go out after work :heart:
I poured out three drinks too. Normally I would have kept them to the side and drank them at some point. Feels good.
Thank you all for your help tonight.


That’s so great to hear. Thanks for checking back in with the update. Nicely done!

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Thank you for a great information and reminder.
Hope the bartending shift went on ok, without too much sress.

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It wasn’t too bad! Talked myself out of drinking twice… Finally home. Didn’t go out after work :smiley:


Yes, i haven’t picked up any shifts in August. I’ve been at this place for 7 years. I love my boss. It’s hard to leave too. Most of the time it’s just easy money.
I know it is not helping my sobriety though. Today I managed but I haven’t been successful the other two shifts…

Great job. Keep up the hard work. Sometimes they say a day at a time but sometimes it’s smaller then that it’s a shift at a time or an event. The brain is a very powerful tool. Both good and bad. Congrats

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Ya I could explain it to her I know she will understand. I’m not worried about her. It’s just something I have done for so long. Almost 20 years actually…
It would be closing another chapter I guess. There is probably some fear behind it. For financial reasons and I know I will miss some things and some people too.
I know my sobriety needs to come first, it’s just a lot of change all at once?