Help, overwhelming triggers

Lol. Unfortunately I don’t think I’m qualified to give advice there.

:joy: :joy: :joy: It’s OK I’m sure I’m not going though the menopause just feels like it :joy:

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I think I’m approaching midlife crisis with this whole biking thing. Does that count for anything?

My husband said if you have had and ridden a bike before it’s not a midlife crisis, he’s, 41 this Year :joy:

It’s been 17 years until this year. And it’s a pedal bike lol

:joy: Every bike counts, last time I was on a mountain bike I had 11 "stitches in my leg and haven’t ridden one since, still got the stitches in a jar to date

It’s a dangerous sport lol. I got bonked by a car yesterday

Oh yeah, how did the car fair up :joy:

They drove away lol.

Hope you are OK, no fun getting older, jealous of the young generation who have a chance lol

Yeah it was a minor dust up

I cried once. It was horrible. I never want to do that again.

But seriously, a huge part of getting better at getting better, is learning to deal with real. Real living means emotions: experiencing them, AND dealing with others experiencing them.

My last big relapse was a lie. Excuses are lies we tell to ourselves. I said I was grieving. I wasn’t grieving, I was avoiding grieving. If I had the balls to grieve right when my Mom died, to deal with the emotions right then, I wouldn’t have spent the next 11 months drinking. My counter would read 570, instead of 205. I wouldn’t have burned almost a year of living…a year that I can’t get back.

But I can “Live Forward”. I want to feel what I feel, each and every day. Most days, I feel pretty darn good. Some I feel awesome, and yes, some I feel down, tired, sad, angry…but never defeated.

As long as I am sober, I win, regardless of the day I am having, and how I feel about it.


Right there with you, my friend!

Well this definitely takes me back, who knew that at this point I had one last relapse in me that nearly cost me my kids and my life, from my beginning to now the constant support that I have had from you guys has definitely got me here today, with my own work too :slight_smile: thank you @Meggers, @BondJaneBond @MoCatt @Yoda-Stevie @Englishd @MandiH


Could you speak with someone on the phone? To speak.with a friend and shared my temptations and struggles had helped me a lot. Same with prayer. When I am totally alone I pray and I ask for help

This was from June, I’m in a much better place now at 85 days sober, but thank you :slight_smile:


It’s always such a trip to re read these threads. Oh how much we have changed! Glad you’ve pushed past the hardest days. It’s such a treat to see how much you have changed and how much more confidence you have! Well done my friend!


Oops. I am sorry but I am very happy that you overcome that

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