Help, these withdraws suck

So far I am 36 hours sober from heroin. Only started using here and there back in July. But managed to go on a bender and haven’t been sober for more than a day since January. Please say this gets better my body is killing me. Doing this cold turkey, can’t go to a doctor and don’t really have help around me so I am here. How long will this pain last??? Just want to cut off my legs


I’ve never dealt with heroin but I’ve had bad opiate withdrawal a dozen times, or more(morphine, oxys, opanas). It all sucks. Going thru this period is awful, I’m not going to lie. But in doing so helps you realize how much you’ve become accustomed to having it as the easy way out. Theres no reason to go on living this way. To always chase the next high. And never knowing if you’ll be able to feel good today. I get it. Get thru this now, with hot baths/showers, sleep if you can, as many liquids as you can manage (I personally get addicted to Gatorade during these times) to keep you hydrated. It’s hard but if you get past the first few days it’ll make you think twice before repeating the whole process over again. You’re stronger than you think(even tho I know you probably dont feel that way right now). You can get thru this hard time and become someone you never knew you could be. I know this is so very hard right now but the results are worth it in the end my friend. All my best :heart:


Thank you. I’m trying so hard but the fact that it’s only been 36 hours is killing me. Thankfully I don’t work again until Sunday and Sunday will be day 5


36 hours is a great beginning. Almost half way thru the worst symptoms. After the horrid physical symptoms it’s more of a mind game. You can live, and thrive, without this holding you back. Just keep thinking about that. We all started using at some point, as a teen or young adult (usually) who had somewhere to go. It isnt too late to become that great person who is already inside you. Stay strong and get thru this now and you can have the rest of your life ahead of you :slightly_smiling_face:


All I can keep thinking about is that the worst is still to come and that it’s going to be a lot longer than a few days. I can’t handle more than a few days of this… I can handle the mental aspect no problem, I’m good at keeping my mind occupied. But I’m a wimp when it come to physical pain

My motivation today says, “Sometimes you have to get through some really bad days to get to the really good days.” You’re in it! You CAN do this!


The only day that can come at you right now is this one. The rest come one at a time. And no one ever knows if they’re capable of something they haven’t done, until they do it. I believe you have it in you to surprise yourself.


36 hours in is no joke. You are very strong for doing this, especially without any medical assistance. Don’t worry about any other days right now, just worry about this day. You just have to go one day at a time. Drink a lot of fluids to replace what you might be losing through sweating and/or in the restroom. Look online for ideas for how to deal with “restless leg syndrome from withdrawal”, some may or may not help, but you might get some ideas that will work for you. Everyone is different. Just hang in there and try to remember to remember just how miserable this is and why you never want to go through it again because you’ll need to remember that for later when temptations come. But for now all you can really do is let time run it’s course. Check back in with us. We care. We want you to make it through this.


Yes. I agree :point_up: that one day comes at a time. You honestly have no idea what you’ll feel like tomorrow. I wont lie and tell you that I don’t do the same thing. Assuming the worst can and will happen. But in reality, I’ve come to realize my worst fears rarely unfold the way I’ve pictured them in my mind. Like I said ‘a mind game’. Believe that things will get better bc they absolutely will if you stick with it.


My experience is with alcohol withdrawal, not opiates, but I used this trick too. Remembering that I had two options:

  1. I can get through this now.
  2. I can give up, suffer through active addiction all over again, quit again, and go through this same exact hell all over again, and then take option 1.

Needless to say, only one of those was an option I could go for.


That’s what I keep telling myself. Yeah I can easily call and pick up right now but I’d have to go through all of this again. Eventually it has to be done.


Day 3 or 4 was always the worst for me. Stay hydrated, eat healthy, and take hot baths. Your days should start getting better little by little. Never forget this feeling.


So it’s about to get a whole lot worse huh? Since tomorrow is day 2

Popped in on the site before heading to bed because I was thinking about you and wanted to check in on you. Hang in there. You can do this.


Ive been through those. Ooof. My heart really goes out to you its the worst thing in the world. I cram down multivitamins. Try to eat but I know how hard that is. Get baby wipes or your gonna be raw down there. Keep cramming water. I like to do light excercise but if youre not up for that lay in bed. Youve just overcame a life threatening situation. In a few days you WILL start to feel better. I know it seems like time is stuck. Youre in my thoughts. Hot shower.

Please just trust me its gonna get better and youre gonna feel happy again! :slight_smile: I cant help as much with long term sobriety as many others but I can def help with the withdrawl process.


50 hours now. Thought I felt good when I woke up but now I feel as if I’m carrying a ton of bricks again. Legs super heavy and hurting. Arms are starting to hurt as well


Keep on, keeping on!

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keep drinking water! stay hydrated!

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Sleep while you still can. I never could during withdrawal. This is all worth it when you get to the other side.


How you doing?