Here we go, day 1 of sobriety. (cocaine & alcohol)

Hey everyone,

I’m coming here with my head up and and being positive knowing I can overcome my addiction.

I’m not to bad with alcohol (1-2 drinks a week) but the cocaine has got to a point where it’s basically everyday.

I thought I could stop on my own, but I came to the reality that I do need some support and guidance to overcome my addiction.

I’m really glad I found this support group and I’m here to take in any advice and support you guys can give.

It’s gonna be a long journey, but what I’ve read on here, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I really hope I can get out of this rut I’m in, wish me luck!


Welcome @Dr.z :wave: sounds like you know what you want - that’s a great first step.

In the early days, a lot of it is mental. The mind wants to take shortcuts, because the addiction habit (a shortcut) has been there for so long. It takes accountability and communication and follow up with other people in recovery to make changes here :+1:

Fortunately you’ve got a good group of people here on Talking Sober. There’s loads of good threads with useful info a checkins, like these:

Resources for our recovery

Read around and make yourself at home. Welcome to the club!


There definitely is light at the end of the tunnel :people_hugging:
Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

So many supportive people here, who truly gets what your going through. Me being one of them.

I used cocaine for many years and I can tell you that you can do this and you can be free from the viscous cycle of addiction and live a fulfilling happy life.

For me if I drink I will do cocaine.
I don’t drink as that is also a huge problem for me.

Nice to have you with us, stick with us :blush: Having this amazing community full of people who understand has kept me on the right track.



Hi there, welcome friend…good choice your making here…i dont think i know anyone who regretted getting sober :thinking: …i definitely believe none of us can overcome addiction alone…mine was booze but i truly believe had coke been more available to me it would have been that aswell…hell i think i could have gotten addicted to anything really…anyways im glad your here! Have a look around, get a feel for the place and vent away whenever you need to, u are so welcome here :people_hugging:


Welcome to our community, welcome to a new freedom. This is a great place to start. I as well was addicted to both cocaine and alcohol. Like it’s been said, if I drink I will use so I stay completely clean. I have gained many tools and coming up to almost six months clean. For me, getting a sponsor, working the steps, sharing in meetings and on this community have been a part of my foundation in getting well. Reach out and read, like.its been said there is a wealth of support and knowledge in this community. You are not here by mistake. Most importantly you will see we do recover! Looking forward to seeing you around!


Thank you guys for replying, I am truly blessed to have found a place where people understand.

I was worried no one was going to reply, but I know for sure I found the right place to talk to people.

It really does help to get this off my chest and keep me on track.

I guess this is the first step to my recovery.

How long does it usual take to not have cravings?

What are the steps and stages I can look out for?

My cravings a pretty bad and right now I’m fighting it minute but minute.

I’m waiting/hoping it will get easier.

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Welcome to the real party my friend. I was also like you with my same drug addiction and booze. Booze not bad, but when I did I sure did. Which ALWAYS led to my devil. I was put in a really low place to finally make the full commitment that I needed to stop drinking in order to stop ALL the other things. I’m at 48 days sober and feel great and focused. After getting sober it became clear on more than just drugs and booze of how I was handling life. Every single day sober is life my friend. It’s so worth it. Glad you’re here! ODAAT


Welcome Lohman, glad u found us! My DOC was crack cocaine and I came to this forum in depserate need of help. The support from this community, with everyones suggestions and advice, is what helped me get over 2 years clean. It IS possible!! Theres a check in thread u can go to and check in everyday, lots to read, and lots of support here. Happy to have u here :slight_smile:


How are you doing today?



I’m here still trying! The struggle is real, Litterally taking it minute by minute hour by hour. I hope the feeling slowly goes away and for it to be natural to not even think about it.

Staying positive, I havnt given up :heart:


Positivity is good. Taking a walk or meditation may help and keep you focused. Keep reaching out here will definitely help.

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I very thankful I found this place, it’s hard to talk to people and especially people who don’t know about addiction. I felt I had no one to talk to. Now I can get things off my chest and talk to people who understand. Taking to you guys really helps me stay focused and stay on the right track. :heart:


I agree completely. No judging on this platform. Connection in sobriety is crucial.