Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Hey thank you! Iā€™m feeling a chunk more balanced after sort of forcing my own hand at doing the therapeutic things Iā€™ve been slacking on. Going to have to really dig into working harder on forcing the structure and organization until it becomes habitual again. Took a walk and going to go chill at a coffee shop for a little while. Thank you so much for your support and Iā€™m definitely going to return to hanging out here again going forward


Day 9. I donā€™t trut in my self. I guess is the meaning of being powerless


@Danwood85 Sorry that today is a negative kinda day ā€“ that shit sucks but is a part of life. Sometimes i just wake up in a bad mood and wonder if it is residual from a dream that i canā€™t remember. Thanks for your support as well friend. It has been great having you on this journey with us and am so happy to be celebrating your 2 months with you today. ODAAT ā€“ life is so much better when we arenā€™t tethered to our addictions.

@mamador Oh iā€™m glad to read that you are taking time for yourself! This is wonderful friend - we canā€™t always be on the go and care of everyone else while neglecting our own needs. Gotta put on your own parachute before you can attend to others. Looking forward to seeing you around.

@Bomdhil Day 9 and you are crushing it. What is it that you donā€™t trust? Are you able to create a safe environment for yourself where you are not triggered and can keep yourself busy with self care? Only you have the power to break the cycle my friend ā€“ keep connected and reach out for your support ā€“ we are in this together and can help each other on the journey. ODAAT :muscle:


Checking in sober.
2 weeks until vacation.
Still feeling very down. Exhausted. Same old, same old.



This made me tear up. The accuracy :raised_hands:t2: congrats on day 6. Iā€™m back to day four currently and feeling more determined than ever šŸ©·


Sending hugs and healing to your boy and you :people_hugging::sunflower:


Iā€™ve been sitting in my shower for awhile now. I feel horrible. I made it all day through school but after I felt terrible. Had to make myself puke bc I started feeling nauseous and a headache next step is sit in cold water. Day four. I guess recovery gets worse every time you relapse. And I see why this is such a vicious cycle. Iā€™m back to day four today. I did hit a vape twice at school and I donā€™t vape so maybe that caused the headache later on but I feel like :poop:. Kinda wanna cry. Im gonna lay down. Checking in. Hope you guys are having a good sober day


Day 369 AF
Having issues sleeping this week so Iā€™m exhausted. Hoping for a good night sleep tonight.

Sleep well everyone


Checking in at the end of day 40.
@Danwood85 congratulations on 2 months :tada:

Good day today. Am getting back to the gym. Iā€™ve had this membership for over a year and barely used it. Today I did 30 minutes of weights and 30 minutes cardio. It felt good.

Have a good night.


day 620

another day come amd gone.
time to get some sleep.
have a good night :people_hugging::heart:



Long day, but not too bad. When I have to wake up earlier than usual, I know going to bed early wonā€™t make me magically fall asleep, so I donā€™t even bother. I did sleep deeply, the 5 hours I had, and woke up ready to go :relieved:

As usual, our boss made us look incompetent without even being there. Itā€™s becoming so common, complaints are coming in about poor service. Itā€™s really frustrating :neutral_face: We donā€™t know what to do anymore.

I crashed after work, so luckily my daughter wanted to play at a friends and I could lay down. Afterwards, I didnā€™t feel like doing anything, but decided we should get out of the house. Had dinner outside by the canal where there was a car show, live music, and a playground. Good decision :+1: Off to bed now to rest up for another weekend :sleeping:


Day 11

No Alcohol & Tobacco

I woke up earlier than usual and attended an online AA meeting. I didnā€™t have enough time to hear the sharing because I had to go to the office today. I arrived at the office and had a black coffee. Today is Friday and the weekend is coming; I need to stay strong during those days.

Life is going well. Problems come and go, but when Iā€™m sober, I feel confident in overcoming any issues.

Living one day at a time


Day 2102 :walking_woman:
It was a good day yesterday.
Worked hard during crossfit and dicovering I can do more weight lifting then a month before, thatā€™s progress. Visithing my friend in the hospital who is doing a bit better after a stroke.
She has been in the hospital many times and has a frail healt but still positive always.
So if Iā€™m irritated because of my temporary hearing loss I think of her.
It was nice to see Aga and Menno yesterday. Always fun to see the people in real life behind the internet. We had a good time together and nice Italian food :yum:

Today? Well off from work so I go for a walk today! :green_heart:
Tonight Iā€™m going to dance in a club at a ā€œ40 upā€ party. Looking forward to it!
Just me, a group of nice ladies and music :dancer:
Have a good day ore night all! :raising_hand_woman:



I had a very nice day in Rotterdam yesterday, meeting up with Aga :arrow_down: and Claudia :arrow_up:. And seeing part of the collection of museum Boijmans for the first time. The museum itself is closed for renovation but their arts depot is opened to public and my visit there was an incredible experience.

Easy day today, do some chores, have a good meal, get ready for my working weekend. Later Holland plays France in the Euros :soccer: . We always lose to France but who knows. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


212 sugar
76 UPF
83 gluten
62 dairy
24 overeating

Today is travel day. Iā€™m going to say goodbye to Rotterdam. I had a great time. Then on the train home. My daughter will be coming home from her school trip to the UK later in the afternoon. Iā€™m very curious about her travels. And then itā€™s game night with friends in the evening.

Letā€™s stay in peace, kindness and freedom friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Day 363.working 6.30- then logging off work for a week!

Got offered a place on the course I wanted to do in Sept. A two year on line Masters degree. Iā€™m going to have a think about it while Iā€™m off.

Home exercise bike arrived. So going to give that a go.all good

Time for a coffee

Thanks for this forum existing. Itā€™s been a life changer for me


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 114

Midsummer eve.
Today we dance around a fallos pole thatā€™s decorated with Leafs and flowers.
Eat picked herring, spring potatoes,hard bread, sour cream, meatballs for the kids (Iā€™m a kid today) and strawberries with cream.

We wear flower wreaths in our hair, stays quiet to climb over 5 or 7 jackleg fences (depending on where you live) to pick 5 or 7 different kinds of flowers to put under our pillow, so we can allow the midsummer nightā€™s magic to reveal who weā€™re going to marry in the future.
If you donā€™t have any fence to climb you can just stay quiet and pick flowers.

Some people also collect the morning dew today or tomorrow to wash in because itā€™s said to make you extra beautiful. Of course because of the midsummer magic.

Unfortunately itā€™s also one of the biggest drinking holidays in the entire Sweden, itā€™s midsummer and Walpurgisnacht.

Iā€™ve signed a petition not to drink today to protect the children who shouldnā€™t have to be around drunk adults. And I probably wouldnā€™t have been drinking otherwise either. Never been a huge holiday drinker, itā€™s the everyday thatā€™s usually get me.

14 y/o have Folkdance shows all day, so weā€™re heading out to Watch him soon.

12 y/o found white strawberries in the store yesterday so weā€™re going to try them as well.

Sun seems to shine, allergy meds seems to work. So really hoping for a wonderful day.

Wishing yā€™all a Happy Midsummer :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Good morning to my sober family.

Celebrating 600 days alcohol free today.

Hope you all have a superb Friday.


Congratulations :clap:t2::tada::clap:t2::tada::clap:t2:


Congrats on the 2 months. Great achievement bro