Here's my day one

I’ve given up drinking before and I know its for the better…its just hard af as I’m surrounded by people who drink and I have a hard time saying no. I know that I want to quit though because drinking 20 beers is outrageous and stupid of me…but that was my night last night.

So here is my day one and I’m going to focus so much energy into giving alcohol up for good. Im hoping this app and community can give me a boost.

Here’s to a new beginning!


Welcome to the rest of your life and also to the forum. What are your strategies for not drinking when you’re around your friends and family who are drinking?


Welcome! You’re in the right place to get a good start. This is an amazing community with a ton of great advice and awesome people, stick around!


Hi @Amberill0, thanks for posting. Today is my day 1 too. It’s really tiring drinking, and it’s really tiring failing to give up. I have to try again though. I wish you all the best in your sober life. Here’s to a sober Sunday! :hugs:


Welcome Amber and congrats on making the best decision of your life. I’m not going to tell you it’s going to be easy but I will tell you it’s definitely worth it. Come here often and I suggest reading a lot. There’s so much wisdom and knowledge posted around the forum. Use the magnify glass at the top to search previous posts.


Yes it gets exhausting. I have to just realize moderation isn’t an option for me

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I try and keep alcohol free seltzers with me. The last time I quit drinking I made it 50 days, I was also marathon training which helped, but honestly I avoided social situations. I know that’s not an option forever though.


No, that’s true. But you can for a wile untill you feel stronger to handle them.
I kept away from alcohol related events the first 3 months of my recovery. Now I have more sober days I can handle those situations sober.


Welcome Amber. And congratulations on day 1.
This forum is a great tool for support.
Have a good read around and join in when your comfortable.
Here are two good threads to start:

I hope to see you around.


Welcome, and good luck with your journey

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Welcome, this is a great first step.

When I quit, I had to change people, places and things. If it had anything to do with alcohol, it was gone. I was scared. With over 1200 sober days I can tell you this: I wouldnt change a darn thing. I don’t miss those things and my life is better.

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Mine too! Feeling anxious but I know it’s for the best.


Thank you so much!

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