Hey, hi. 4.15.2018

Thank you for sharing this Lea, and for being here. Your posts always come across as kind, level headed and humble. Don’t forget to give yourself the credit you deserve.

Facing your fears and finding your faith is such a difficult thing to do. You are a total badass! :heart:


Congratulations to your first full year of sobriety!
That is really amazing! Wishing you all the best for your second year!
(I believe everything else has been said and i fully agree with the >40 posts)


How was your sons 8th Birthday?


That was a great share and very brave of you. I can’t say anything that someone else hasn’t already said. A lot of the questions you were asked to think about, are the same ones I need to ask myself. So, I thank you for that. Also thanks for the playlist! We have the same music taste it looks like so I went ahead and gave it a follow. Look forward to listening to it instead of my repetitive playslists. Lol :heart::heart:

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I’m so sorry for your suffering, Lea! Im very happy that you’re finding recovery though. And i hope that youre learning to love yourself. Youre a pretty amazing person, and im not sure if you fully realize that.

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Thank you very much @Mephistopheles… And again thank you for all your continued inspiration on our working out thread. It’s nice having a consistent person like you being there every day putting in work for the results (physically/mentally) you want.

Thank you @DowntroddenGoat… It was unusual coming up on this milestone. I started to think that I was going to be stuck in this place in my head forever… where I wasn’t capable of pushing for the things I needed but I believe I have the courage in me to break free.

Thank you for your support.


Thank you @anon44659383 :blush: :hibiscus:

@Charlesfreck, this forum is everything to me. I’ve found so many people I can call true friends and I haven’t been able to say that for a long time. I used to keep so many things hidden to try to keep everything together… Here I feel fully capable of being who I truly am and that really flows over to my real life. This place is truly a blessing, thank you for being a part of it.


@dot.dot.dot thank you… You’ve got a tough exterior but you’ve got a lot of heart as well and I appreciate you.


Thank you Les :blush: :blush:

@SassyRocks! Thank you :heart: You’ve always been an inspiration to me and your continued sobriety is something I look up to.


Can you please just delete my account?


Congratulations, and all the best

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Hey Butch! I think so many people can relate to that man’s journey mentioned in the big book…I hope you and your boys are having a great year so far :slight_smile: thank you again for your continued support.

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@anon46927530 thank you!!

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@TMAC, the day was good, hung out with my boys and got frozen yogurt lol

Thank you for being someone I can relate to so often and being a great inspiration of personal growth. And thank you for your kind words of support :slight_smile:


Congratulations on a well-earned year. It has been a pleasure watching you grow, get stronger, and overcome. Keep getting better at getting better each and every day!


I honestly can’t say thank you enough Ariel. You have opened my eyes in SO many ways. I’m really in awe of your strength and your perseverance for growth.


@Lionfish… This a truly inspirational story… heartache, pain, depression… perseverance and most importantly love. You have overcome a lot and I wish you continued success.
Awesome share… Thank you.
:tada:Congratulations on your sober-versary. :muscle::pray: