Hey my sweetest fellow fighters

… i caved 8n…omg…i hope i. In the right thread,.anywa3 i do hope the angels will h3lp and bless you all…


Hi, I saw your post on your thread. When you’re sober, look back on what made you drink. Make a list of the reasons why you want to stop. There is a lot of information here on how to get through the first days. Also read the pinned post ‘What’s your plan’ if you haven’t already.
There is help available, also online AA. Watch sobriety videos on YouTube. Don’t beat yourself up, relapses are part of the road to sobriety and we learn from them. Tomorrow is another new day, you can start again :people_hugging:


I’m sorry you had a relapse, that sucks. But there is nothing you can do about it anymore beside preventing yourself for a new one.
I had my share of relapses. They made me sad and angry. But I tried again the next day and tried to learn someting from the relapse.
So look back and write down somewhere the triggers that made you relapse and what you can do to fight back to them.
For me it was important to make a plan. There is a good treat about it here and I will share it with you:

And here you find the way how I did it, maybe you read something you can use as well:

Keep going, move forward! A relapse is one step backwards indeed, but you are already many steps ahead so not totally back at square 1. I know it feels this way but it isn’t.
Welcome at day 1, glad you decide to push tough! :facepunch: