Hi, I’m Stacie

I’ve been here before and then caved a few times. But now I think I’m ready to start over. I’m sick of feeling my heart race daily and the amount of anxiety that comes the day after drinking is overwhelming.

I just went through a break up of a five year relationship and took a turn off the deep end for a couple weeks. But I know I need to focus on me and being better than that. So here I am again. Wish me luck :smiling_face:


Welcome Stacie.
I sure don’t miss those heart palpitations late at night, thinking I drank too much. Am I going to have a heart attack? Those were some scary feelings I use to have. I know what your talking about.

This is a great sober community for support. There’s lots of loving people on here to give and get support.

We’re all just trying not to pic up that most important drink. That first one.

I’m pretty active on here. It keeps me from drinking. Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable.
Here are two good threads to start:


Thank you :heart:


Welcome Stacie!! Yeah, like Dazercat said, I sure don’t miss that anxiety and tension thumping around in my chest and brain. It was all so emotionally, mentally and physically taxing all.the.time. The beauty of sobriety is you honestly do not have to feel that way ever again. Sure, life will still life you, there will still be heartache and truly rough times. But the self induced hangovers, regrets, anxiety and feeling awful…nope, you can say goodbye to that. I hope you stick around and find support and community here. Lots of good people and tips for getting sober and healthy. :blush::people_hugging:


Welcome to the community :slightly_smiling_face:
I wake up now relieved that I never have to feel like that again. With the support from the lovely people here I have managed to stay sober.
It’s great to have you join us, some great advice already given I hope to you see you around :hugs:


Thank you everyone. :heart::smiling_face_with_tear:


Welcome here Stacie,
I hope this app will help you as much as it did me.
Be openminded and try the tips you get ore read.
Some will help and some won’t but at the end you will have a list of things that help you trough the hard times. Recovery is hard work with a big reward :sunglasses:


Welcome to the community!

Spend some time looking around - it’s a great place with lots to help you on the journey.

Wow yeah the hangxiety I do not miss one bit


Hi Stacie, you’ll find enough good vibes here to want to come back. I found a lot of good advice just browsing the platform.
When you find topics that hit home, join in.


I can identify with that Stacie.

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Welcome to the site @Wil89406 !
Lots of information, peer support here for you.


Thanks for the welcome Alisa.

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Welcome Stacie, remember the anxiety (write it down, keep a note on your phone) and remind yourself every now and then that you don’t want to feel that anymore. That’s been one of the main things helping me through my (short) sobriety.

Again, welcome to the site. Hope you’re enjoying reading and familiarizing yourself with the different threads …
Many are active on the “Checking in daily to help maintain focus” if you are so inclined or interested. It’s a good way to see how others are faring and be accountable yourself. There’s a sober life out there for you. @Wil89406