Hi I'm new here.🌞

I have 11 months sober.
Feeling grateful.
Never thought it could be possible.
Life is good.:relieved:


Welcome Susan.
Congratulations on your 11 months of sobriety. You are amazing. There’s a lot to be grateful for in that.

If you’re interested we have a beautiful gratitude thread. It’s my strongest tool.

There’s lots of beautiful sober souls exercising their gratitude muscles on it every day. I’ll save you a seat. Bring your own coffee.


Thank you so much.
Life is more beautiful when your sober.:blush:by the way your cat is adorable.


Welcome, Susan! 11 months is incredible. I’m just a few months shy of that milestone. Glad you are here!!:heart::heart:


Welcome @Pumpkinprincess7169 and congratulations on reaching 11 months. Look at what’s possible with good support and great choices. I look forward to reaching this milestone in 10 months :pray:

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Welcome to the community! Lots of support … and community… here for you. You will also be inspiration for many.

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