Hit the 100 again

Im waking up to 100 days free from alcohol. Im feeking a little low, like im in a slump. Im so fatigued. I have not worked out at the gym in over a week. Ive gained 10lbs. Im feeling like ive hit a low vibration. Need to find my energy again. Happy im sober though just feeling down. Send me some of yalls energy and good vibes. 🩷 :orange_heart:


Congrats on 100 days! Thanks for sharing your success, and I wish you more of it!


Sending energy and love your way. Don’t feel discouraged…the early months do take a lot outta you. You will get that healthy momentum going soon. A huge congrats on your triple digits :partying_face::partying_face::clap:t4:


Congratulations girl :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Fantastic news.

Your body is healing, try to nap when you can, eat well, stay hydrated. I found I was anaemic when I first got sober needed B12 shots maybe worth getting a panel done and just making sure you’re :100: :people_hugging:


Congratulations on your
Button :hugs:
I’ll send you some good vibes. And a gif of course. But I’m feeling a slump in the energy department too. Maybe it’s just this time of year. I’m sorely lacking motivation. But we are sober. So we got that going for us. And that might just have to be enough for today.
I’m so happy for ya!



Hi button83. A fantastic deal getting to the 100. There is a reason you made it again and it because you know you can love life without alcohol. When we step back for a minute we can now see drinking is a very temporary feel good that has consequences we regret so much. We know waking in the mornings without that guilty feeling of what we may or may not have done is a great feeling.
Stick with it button83, we’re so proud of you.


Im just feeling so low though. That depressed feeling where i want to cry. Thank you for your kind words 🩷


Glad to hear it - you’ve earned it! Despite the low vibes, I am glad for you. You deserve to give yourself a pat on the back today :slightly_smiling_face:

Good work!


Feeling low is a hard space to be in. For me it feels like a fog where I can’t get my bearings.


At times i feel like saying fuck it and pouring a drink. Im used to puring a drink during the holidays. But I wont …




Concratulations with the 100 Julia :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Hope you feel a bit better soon :pray:


Yesssss to 100 days again!!! :woman_fairy::tada::sunflower::sparkles::notes:
I’m in seasonal hibernation mode so I’m not sure if my vibes are uplifting but in case you wanna try - here comes a huge package of relaxed pre-christmas vibes together with beary hugs, a sense of hot chocolate and a cozy blankie :people_hugging:


Huge congrats on triple digits. So proud of you for getting back to sobriety. Looking fantastic by the way. Sorry the slump but just like everything else this is temporary. Sending comforting vibes your way @Button83


Then cry :sob:
Let it out :sob:

I just remember that so well. I’ve always been a cry baby. I cried so often, I don’t want to frighten you, my first couple of years. It was horrible. But I couldn’t stop.

And I had plenty of depression too. Some days I couldn’t do shit. Luckily I didn’t have to. I just had to hit the pillow sober. I use to just look at memes and nature pics all day.

Are you going to any meetings these days?
I didn’t do meetings early on. Only been going the last couple of years. Since I’ve moved I feel like I don’t fit in yet. But going to meetings fills my spiritual tank and I usually feel better after. Even if I don’t share or do anything. And it gets me out of the house.

And ya. What @Cjp said. You are looking fantastic :heart_eyes_cat:


Congratulations on your 100 days of freedom again @Button83
Glad to see you rising again. :saluting_face:
And I soooo feel you. Feeling low and lack energy myself for months now. But here we are … Fighting and standing strong in our sobriety.
Let’s do this together through the festive season Julia.
Be proud of yourself. You’re a tough cookie :cookie::kissing_heart::pray:


Havent been to a meeting since I took my 30 days. I feel like i have to be happy 24 7 for those around me. Sometimes shit in life happens and you feel like you cant keep this smile. For years I have been fighting for someone , just to turn around and throw me away life my efforts for them didnt matter. And thats ok. Thats their perspective. Im just tired. And then I feel selfish for stepping back and looking after me. A little back story. My ex husband and i adopted my niece , a few years later he and I got a divorce. She stayed with him primarily untill i got on my feet, keep in mind I not only left a marriage but a cult like religion. It was years of fighting with him to talk with her. She was supposed to vome live with me but he fought with me and told people I was unsafe due to me leaving the JW organization. Anyway fast forward and Ive gone back to school , sending her money every month. Anyway shes doesnt want me to be her mother. I feel crushed and thrown away.


I know.

The fuckits are a tough spot to be in. My experience of it has been very situational, and I’ve found that the cause is there’s an unmet emotional need: I’m hanging on to something (in my case that is often a resentment or guilt / shame), I’m afraid of something (which often shows up in me in the form of paralysis, rumination, overthinking, analysis paralysis).

The fuckits are a tricky opponent. Not unbeatable - it is possible to navigate through them - but it takes resolve. You’re on a quest and visiting wise place to wise place, wise person to wise person, but the lands between them are filled with self-doubt and distraction - actually I think it’s a lot like The NeverEnding Story

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Congratulations on your 100 days! To me the first 100 days were the hardest. Keep on going

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