How about a sandwich (thread)?

I’ve been looking around for a topic like this, but have not found anything. I regularly take some quick lunch to work, and that has lately been sandwiches, but I seem to always have the same on repeat: mustard-egg on rye, lettuce, ham and cheese on wholewheat, sardines and mayo on whatever… For work lunch, I need to stay away from things like sliced tomato, which I love elsewhere but will make these take-along sandwiches soggy. Nobody likes a soggy sandwich!

Anyways, everyone I’ve ever known has had sandwich preferences and opinions, and I’m sure TS has more, and better.

Sooo, dear sober peeps and self-styled sando connoisseurs, what are your favourite sandwiches? Which are your winning combos? What are your dos and don’ts? What is that sandwich you had just the once and can never forget? What was your family’s secret ingredient? Have you had a sandwich on repeat for months? What is that unlikely mix of things that just seem to meld like a dream when stuck between two pieces of bread?


Quorn ham small amount of kale and sandwich pickle.
On toasted sour bread.


Great thread!

My favourite ever sandwich was eaten while I was in labour. I hadn’t been able to eat stilton through the whole of pregnancy but once in labour I figured it couldn’t do any harm. I had long pre-labours so had time to waddle around the supermarket, in between contractions, to buy stilton. I then had the best sandwich ever…stilton, white bread, salad, branston pickle and mayo. I replicated that sandwich every day for at least a month :sweat_smile:

Oh and my don’t is an unpopular opinion, no butter or spread in sandwiches


A good ol’ classic PB&J for me, chased down with an ice cold glass of milk.

The only caveat is that the jam has to be of a berry variety…no marmalade, no apricot. :no_entry_sign:


Stilton is my favorite cheese. Stilton and avocado on a sandwich? Yum.
Guess what? My grocery store has quit carrying Stilton it’s ridiculous. Hopefully they will have enough valid complaints that they will get it back.


Yay, I didn’t expect to find a stilton lover so quickly! I really hope they bring it back asap :pray:


I don’t have any likes left so here’s a big heart for you.


If I’m home, I’m a sucker for an OG ham and cheese with Mayo and mustard. When I go to subway I either get a toasted chicken bacon ranch with chipotle on it, or I’ll just do an untoasted on Italian with turkey salami lettuce extra banana peppers Mayo mustard and the oil & vinegar :grin: always the same lol


I’ll take a hot roast beef, with cooper sharp cheese, horseradish and the au-jous sauce on the side. Koller


I love Stilton, too, but never thought of making a sandwich with it before. :thinking: Must explore this some time.


When I took lunch to work, I typically did the usuals - ham/turkey, cheese, and LTO - but I’d put the tomato separately bc I need that in my life. Now, when it comes to sandwiches in general, I like them toasted or grilled. A BLT-O. The O is for onion and it is a game changer. Also grilled cheese of any sort is my favorite type of sandwich. Using mayo on the outside to grill adds a great zing.

The most unusual one I love and tell everyone to try is grilled cheese and asparagus. It is amazing. Make sure the asparagus is cooked soft before assembling. It’s good with most cheeses but I’ve found American to be the best, which is weird bc I don’t really like it otherwise.

Whoo! Sandwiches :sandwich:


There’s a deli here in my hometown that makes a hot brisket dip sandwich, with grilled onions. It is to die for. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


Alright listen here and listen good because I know my way round a sandwich…

Half a whole French baguette

Serve with a cup of tea.

3 slices brown bread

Between slices 1 and 2
Shredded chicken
Parma ham
Basil pesto
Sliced peppers

Between slices 2 and 3
Crushed poached eggs
Thin layer of wasabi

Serve with a cup of tea

In a warm soft Ciabatta
Salted Turkey breast
Cranberry sauce
Crushed honey roasted carrots

Serve with a cup of tea


Doesn’t it fall apart? You need some moistness to hold it together.

Brie, bacon, red onion.

Toasted tuna and cheese.


Yes, I probably should have said I would always have a pickle, or mayo. Cheese and butter just don’t work for me :nauseated_face: Jam with butter at an absolute push!

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My kick–Dark wheat bread with thinly sliced Turkey pastrami, pepperjack cheese, pickles, onion and a wasabi/Worcestershire combo paste I make. Flavor wave followed by sweaty forehead! Yum

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I like a blt.

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Thanks, everyone for your thoughts!
@Ukfirestorm, I’ve never seen Quorn in my country, but sandwich pickle is always a winner.
@JennyH I love both stilton and your story! Branston pickle is yum, but I can’t easily find it where I live. When I lived in the UK, it was my go-to for ham and cheese.
@WilliamBloke PBJ seems to be a big basic in the US, I like all the ingredients separately, so maybe I should try it.
@Alisa Stilton and avocado? Now that’s intriguing…
@Lainenicole96, are you suggesting “banana, peppers” on your turkey sub, or is “banana peppers” an unknown-to-me variety? Is it a hot pepper?
@Jasty2 , that sounds crazy delicious and simple!
@Just_Laura Thank you! I may have thought a time or two about bringing the actual tomato to slice at work, but I never did. Goig to try it now. And using mayo on the outside? OMG, mind blown! Something else to try… As to the asparagus combination, I guess it’s interesting but unfortunately I dislike asparagus, so no trying this one. Thanks!
@DresdenLaPage Thanks for those three ideas! The stuffing one I guess is a leftovers sandwich? And “serve with a cup of tea” :joy:


@Misokatsu, those two sound pretty amazing in their simplicity.
@Smitty97 That paste sounds pretty lively!
@Thirdmonkey, me too! Simple and tasty!