How about a sandwich (thread)?

What is an Elvis?

How do you get jelly inside a sandwich?

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PB&J Sandwich…

Fun thread.
I think an Elvis is Peanut butter and banana, and I believe he liked his fried.
When I was working, I used to take peanut butter and sliced dill pickle sandwiches on whole wheat or rye. No refrigeration necessary, which was nice.
Also, what is OG ham?

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I think I can safely say that Branston pickle had not crossed my mind in years! before starting this topic. And now, y’all have created a need. :joy_cat:

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An “Elvis” is Peanut Butter, Banana and Bacon.
As @Pattycake said, the man himself liked it deep fried.

I’m struggling to work out how Elvis struggled to fit into his suits :crazy_face:

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Ahhh! Bacon! Right!

I still love a BLT with avocado and a fresh summer tomato. Sadly that season is over :cry: I am also a Rueben fan with pastrami and my homemade Russian sauce, extra horseradish, on a good rye bread. I’ve got a favorite sauerkraut brand called Bubbies that is fresh in a jar, not canned. But I really need to learn to make my own! Breakfast sandwiches with a fried egg, slightly runny, a good cheese and ham or bacon on an English muffin or bagel…yummy. Roast beef and Brie or cheddar…now I’m hungry! And I love pickles on a sandwich, too. I guess I just love sandwiches!


I think we have a winner!


How weird is that. I guess the toast was supposed to be the most nutritious bit, as opposed to untoasted sides. And if you assemble and then toast it on the pan, are you then eating only sandwich filling? It gets a little philosophical at that point.

To get back into lighter sandwich lore, when I was a broke student in the UK I sometimes used to make a fish finger sandwich, with pan-toasted fish fingers, tomato, lettuce and mayo. It was ok, though I’ve not been tempted to replicate it for years now.

@RosaCanDo Those breakfast sandwiches sound pretty tasty!

Heston Blumenthal serves toast sandwiches at The Fat Duck

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That’s because Heston’s a dick

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Heston is a dick, you’re right.

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Here’s to BLTs! At my house, we always celebrate our first crop of tomatoes with a BLT. The. Proceed to have them often through summer, and it’s a sad day when we have our last. They just aren’t the same with store bought tomatoes.:bacon::leafy_green::tomato:


Same same!!! Can’t wait to put in a garden at my new house next spring! We didn’t grow this season due to our move but enjoyed plenty of farm stand beauties.

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Best sarnie is hummus on toasted sourdough with avo, loads of citrusy raw shredded veggies and popped roasted seeds. Pickled red onions over.


Thick sliced tiger bread, honey roast ham, spicy mexicana cheddar and a little spicy mayo. Then toasted. Yum.


My favorite sandwich is fresh crispy baked brown bread (even a bit warm) with Blue Stilton cheese (ore Gorgonzola) with fresh strawberries.