How can I recognise is someone is a legit person and not a fraud, acting like someone else to get some benefits using manipulation tactics?

It is not effecting my recovery.

I take any possible chances I get for starting relations.
It’s ok, since I’m not too bothered, even if things don’t turn out positive.

I take care of my thoughts and behaviours fine, regardless of this.
I’m used to things not going in a positive way.

If she is real give she can come to a UK meeting if she likes :joy:

Nah joking mate :upside_down_face:

Deffo copied off somebodies open Instagram or Facebook :grinning:


If you even need to ask this and you are talking to someone allegedly in Ukraine, guarantee you this is a fraud.


Makes me wonder why would they even attempt to something like this.
Wouldn’t they understand, that they would be recognized as frauds for asking money over the internet? :thinking:

Because people fall for it.


Legitimate online accounts are important, of course; obviously if someone has a fake account then that is a huge red flag :slightly_smiling_face:

You also specify in your post that someone should not be manipulating you. So genuineness has to do with not manipulating or being manipulated. You are a deep thinker to bring that issue up; it is such an important part of healthy intimate relationships.

May I ask - and just because I don’t want to go past the point where this would be helpful for you right now - are you interested in exploring the question of manipulation, as it relates to relationships?

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No, I’m fine.
I think I know enough, to not get deceived/abused, but thanks for asking :hugs::blush:

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I’m pretty certain we were all a little bit thrown off the scent by this response…

…almost as if her going to Poland to see you gave her identity some form of legitimacy.

And I’m also really curious to know; what was the €350 for?

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Ok Chris. Good luck & wishing you peace and clarity in your search.


Have to ask… Is this the first time this has happened to you??? Or is this something that happens to you often??? My uncle gets done this way all the time by people who are posing as these beautiful women on the net… As my mama would say if it looks too good to be true, it’s probably :ox::poop:… Well he sends his disability check to them and goes broke for an entire month… My family has in the past had to pull the weight of making sure that his financial needs are being met… My entire family has told him to stop that and aren’t really supporting him like they once did… It’s almost like he only seeks what’s not possible for him rather than trying to have a real relationship with someone a little more down to earth… Soon as he knows he’s been played by one he finds himself a new one to play him again on repeat… I hope that’s not your case… It is wrong to do people that way on their part… But I’m my uncle’s case, I believe it’s him seeking them because they didn’t just get his email and start chatting him up for no reason and if they did he should learn from it in order to not be disappointed in the future… But that’s him and this is you… Just something to think about it you find yourself in these situations often… Best wishes to you… :blush::100:

Added… I love my uncle dearly and understand he struggles differently than I do… :100: I hope you didn’t mind me sharing this on your post…


That’s a real face for sure… But is it really FAIR to this beautiful young lady to have HER picture plastered on a sobriety forum??? Considering we’ve pretty much determined it’s probably NOT the person you were massaging… :thinking:


That’s my fault for being nosey, I asked him :slight_smile::grinning: :pray:

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I know man, just saying… :joy: I wouldn’t appreciate that… :100: We’re better than other social media here at TS… We actually help people figure this stuff out while always protecting the innocent on all matters… :grin: I’ve seen that poor chicks picture posted so much on social media in the past that if I seen her out I’m afraid my first thought would be Gold digger… Simply NOT true… :100: I know we can’t change the entire universe on that but it’s worth a shot to improve anywhere we can, when we can, anytime we can… :blush:


Defo don’t think he was massaging her :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


This thread is so odd I am surprised it still exists and for that reason I will follow along.


She asked money for flight ticket, visa, health insurance, buss to and from Moscow, food and other necessary documents.

It’s ok, since Your uncle’s story is related :innocent:

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That’s part of the problem…

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Tell her you’ll go see her instead then you don’t need to loan her any money. Say you could do with a trip away and have always wanted to visit Moscow… Then come back and let us know what she says :laughing:


Sounds a litle fishy. Ask her for a video chat. And best of luck.