How can I recognise is someone is a legit person and not a fraud, acting like someone else to get some benefits using manipulation tactics?

What drama?

For all I know she might not even write back after I declined her proposition.
I’ll take it easy, I’m not bothered with anything that she’ll reply, if she does reply at all, that is.

Pride not hurt.
I’m just disappointed, that’s all.
I’m ok though :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry, just meaning like a back and forth “you’re lieing to me!” “No im not lieing I’m genuine! Now send me money so I can come see you” type thing.
Littered with stress and disappointment.


I won’t fall for such cheap tricks.
Now, when I know it’s a fraud, I’ll keep my safe distance :slightly_smiling_face:

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I bet she does


I’ll let You know, if she does :innocent:

Im lost… Didnt you say beforehand that she was a genuine person who was going to come to Poland to see you?

So did you ever find out if she was legit?

She has written, that she wanted to come to Poland, for us to meet.
I have no tools to 100% verify, if she’s a legit person or not.

Have you ever heard of a ‘Digital Reputation’?

No, what’s that?

A digital reputation is essentially all of the information you have submitted about yourself to the internet. Everyone who uses an internet connection does it. You can basically find out anything about anyone online - Addresses, work place, education, criminal history, family. You can then assess that information against the person you’re speaking to and decide whether or not that person is legit. And literally all you need is their name, age and the place they live and google.

Sounds a bit stalkery… but its pretty common practice especially with employers.


Ditto :man_facepalming:t2:


I actually even doubt that its a female on the other end,more likely a man from Nigeria. No offence intended op. :slight_smile:


I was thinking the same thing.


You’re such a brit. Haha!

There is such a thing as scambaiting. I have a friend who did it for sport in college. I don’t recommend it as it’s a huge time sink.

Ostensibly it’s the art of stringing a scammer along as long as possible to keep them distracted from other people. When done right it’s artful but also very manipulative.

Used to think it was hilarious. Now I think we’ve all got better lives to live with that time!

In the US there are places you can report the (often stolen) accounts of frauds to get them shut down though. It at least disrupts their communication with other people, possibly losing them some leads, and only takes you a moment.


Couple pictures she attached to e-mail messages.


Hi Chris, nice to meet you. Matt here, also recovering from PMO / SLA. Very interesting thread you’ve gotten started here & you are asking important questions. Your original post was about determining the genuineness of this woman’s interest in you. May I ask - what are the criteria that would signal genuineness?


Hi Matt :slightly_smiling_face:

Legit Facebook profile would be good I think. As legit profile I mean profile with normal, real life pictures and having real life friends tagged in them.

Other than that I don’t really know :thinking:


At best this is a person who lives far, far away. At worst it’s someone with bad intentions.

In either case, is this affecting your recovery at all? It seems like pursuing a strange dream, though only you can say for sure.

For my addiction, not actively pursuing relationships but only working on my own thoughts and behavior is often recommended for a while after starting recovery. The more I stick to that the more natural, healthy relationships find me over time.