How did you get sober

How did you get help


I visited an addiction recovery group. There are many good groups. There are in person and online meetings. There is a list here:

Resources for our recovery

It is possible to find freedom from addiction. Do not give up. Find people who understand - there are people here on Talking Sober; there are people in recovery groups - and learn from them.

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Welcome to Talking Sober! :wave: :innocent:

Am I doing this right. This website is

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What is your story?

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Hello. I don’t think I know how to navigate this forum. Can you respond

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These are “threads” - where we are writing now is called a thread - and I see the messages when I log on here and read them. (I just saw your message now.)

My story:
I am in recovery from an addiction to lust. My addiction shows up in a total lack of self-control or healthy boundaries about my sexual behaviour. Like all addictions, it is at a point where I cannot manage it myself. In my case, my only way forward is to let go of my addiction - to learn to accept and live life without it, fully and richly - and to take my life one day at a time, not worrying about the past or the future.

What is your story?


Hi and welcom,

I’m Claudia and addicted to alcohol. Sober for almost 6 years with the help of this app.
It takes some time to get used of this forum. So take your time to settle in. If you use the magnifying glass above you can find all the older threads that are interesting to read. Just type in the subject and you will have plenty to read :wink:
Are you sober already?
How are you doing today?


Welcome @MommyNO1!
I got help from an intensive outpatient program followed by Alcoholics Anonymous. I definitely couldn’t do it on my own. I encourage anyone interested in long term sobriety to find a program and work it like your life depends on it.

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I’m an alcoholic and have found a lot of support and encouragement using this forum. I like to go on this thread to write about my day and also read what others write I find it encouraging and have received a lot of support and advice through it that has helped me keep sober.Checking in daily to maintain focus #67 (Part 39)
I also find the thread where you write your daily gratitudes very helpful.
So this group has been big in helping me. Also my closest friend has been very encouraging for me. I was very open with my friends about my addiction. I found saying my addiction outloud and being open about it has really helped. In the past I tried to get sober in secret and I never had any success till I was open and honest. I hope this helps and that you also find good encouragement in this group of like minded people.


Everytime I did drugs or drank alcohol my ocd went worse. Almost out of control. It took me a while to understand this. So I decided to stay away from these things for my own sake.


Went to AA and never looked back


I am sober 20 hours a day

I got in trouble with the law, the medical board and was ready to drive into a tree without my seatbelt. I hated what I was.

My sweetie who witnessed all of this happening found a treatment facility for me, booked our airfare and then drove me to rehab.

There I learned that I’m not special, the 12 steps of AA have helped many millions and I could have a wonderful life again being sober. That was almost 7 yrs ago and we’re both still sober and loving life.

And that’s how I am/we are doing it. Simply one day at a time. Hugs & welcome to TS!


Dear God am I doing this right? Such an annoying site.

We can’t do the work for you unfortunally.
We can tell you how we did it, give support when you need it and listen to what you have to share.
Becoming sober is your “job”.
I wish I had the magic trick in store for you, but I haven’t. Getting sober and stay that way is hard but douable if you are willing to work.

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