How do you start your mornings? Morning rituals 2021 to present

I love getting up early now. Ok, LOVE is a strong word because I also really like sleep. But I like watching the sun come up while I have my chocolate milk and coffee. Cuddle time with cats and easing into the day.
Today I am doing some volunteer work. If I had gone out last night, I would be still asleep. Or up at 3am trying to go through my phone and figure out what the fuck I did this time. Or in jail.
I hope that the people who partied too much last night don’t have too rough of a time today. Been there many times. So glad and grateful for this feeling of sobriety. Proud of myself for making it through another day.


Good for you Daphne! :raised_hands:

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I wake up at 5:45AM, sometimes earlier as I love the stillness of the morning. The routine is:
Feed cats.
Pour a cup of coffee.
Read daily reflection book.
Gratitude journal - write one thing I’m grateful for.
Text goodmorning to a rehab peer.
Read another book (I’m an addiction studies college student), currently on family systems in codependency.
Reflect, meditate, and journal.


Today I woke up made eggs avocado and cheese and made my wife angry then made up. She gets frustrated and I do to but then I remember it’s the underlying cause often that causes our behaviors not the things we do. Prayer, meditation and remembering to try and treat others the way we wished we were treated is what will get me through today I to tomorrow with as little conflict as possible.


Walking my dog then getting my kids off to school.

Tuesday December 5 2023

1 Grateful to have a home, a roof over my head.

2 Grateful to have a bed as there was a time I slept on the floor with no mattress

3 Grateful that Jennifer cooked

4 Grateful that I am not in control, leave it to my higher power

5 Grateful for the chance to change

6 Grateful for people in GA

7 Grateful for the 12 steps

8 Grateful for the warm blanket

9 Grateful for the candle as part of the Santa swap

10 Grateful that today will deal with life on life’s terms

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Perfect scenario:

Get out of bed, shower, dress up, drink water with kurkuma and lemon, coffee, gratitudes, some ~10min guided meditation, kids waking up one by one, breakfast, out to school/playgroup.

Usuall day scenario:
Get out of bed, while taking a shower hearing one of boys waking up crying, turbo fast finish shower, in the robe comfort him, go downstairs, play something on tv for him, in the meantime other one is awake. Drink water with kurkuma and lemon, make coffee. Get dressed. Try to wake up Dennis (he is a sleeper, its taking a while), realise time is short. Fast sandwiches for them. Chaotic getting them dressed. Putting them in the cargo bike with rest of sandwiches in the hands. Being right on time or little bit late at school.

And I always wake up at the same time. Some days minutes are just shorter :wink:


It’s funny to me that I kind of remember being a kid and just wanting to watch the cartoons and eat my cereal piece by piece over the space of about four hours. Must have been so annoying!


I see so many extremly annoying behaviours in them, and i know i was exactly the same. And what is worse - now my reactions are same like my mother’s were :sweat_smile:


I usually get up at 6,I read my spiritual principles,and just for today,daily reflection,and pray. I text my supports,and make a cup of tea, and listen to positive affirmations on you tube,then I go to the 9:00am meeting.

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