How many days and why

Checking in at day 59! How many days is everyone on and why are you here? X I am here because I am fed up of letting alcohol control me!


211 days. Got real tired of all the problems I was creating for myself with alcohol. Lost relationships, missing work, missing my workouts, playing horribly at shows, eating like garbage, three day hangovers, various health issues, run-ins with cops, realizing I was slowly killing myself, etc. etc. etc.

Drinking just is not worth it. It never was.


124 days sober.

My life was really bad 125 days ago. 4 times a week I bought wine, drank nearly 2 bottles, collapsed on the courch. Woke up in the early hours and went to bed. Woke up again few hours later feeling exhausted.

I was constanly thinking about how to get some wine and about that I had to control my intake, because I knew damm well that it was a very unhealthy way to live.

The decission to stop has been a great relief. Life is not perfect, but it is so much better


Great posts I like to know who’s here and what they are going through

114 days since smashing my pipe in the parking lot at the rehab facility before checking myself in. I’m as clean as I’ve been in 20 plus years and I’m loving getting to know myself again.


66 days sober. I’m here cus I never felt going to AA meetings so I tried to do it myself. I was so suprised when I noticed forum builded in this app :joy: downloaded only for timer :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: and boom! Most supportive and helping community I could ever imagine :muscle:


31 days, 2nd longest streak in my adult life (one more week to beat that!) i quit because I knew I had stop being there, and being here instead. It’s not all sunshine and flowers but being bummed out here beats the hell out of being bummed out there.


10 days without cutting. I just don’t want to live the rest of my life always being focused on nothing but pain and I want to live my life as normal as possible even tho thats pretty difficult for me at this point. And seeing that my school life would have been coming to an end this year (changed to private school for more time) has made me realize how much I mess up because of self harm and how much I was fucking myself over.


Hours away from 99 days. Alcohol. My worst enemy for 19 years. I knew I had to stop for every aspect in my life but had no idea what I’ve been missing out on for so long. I finally get to live. Hitting a new meeting tonight(I normally go in the mornings) so that’s exciting.


Nice, congrats on nearing triple digits!

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I’m on 23 days. I just turned 50 and don’t want to live the whole rest of my life thinking I could have been someone else, could have been more joyful, more present, had I just quit drinking. I want a new life! And maybe to get back to the person I was at 12, before I started on this booze path. That 12 year old girl was awesome.


120 days, decided my wife and 2 little girls meant more to me then drinking did. Caused to many fights, made going to the gym pointless, was ruining my career. Best decision I’ve made for myself


33 days. That’s a good number for me. 333 would be better but I’ll get there. Here because I was tired of lying, sneaking and hiding my compulsive spending/debting. Not only lying to my husband and family, but to myself. Tired of the high, then the crash, fear and guilt.


45, because it’s about time I stop being an asshole


27 day and 23 days ago…I attempted to pick my son up from school and drive him home…drunker than cooter brown. I made a choice that night enough was enough…the next day 12 hours later CPS was knocking on my door.

I’m 26 days and 23 hours sober!!!


685 day’s clean from Methamphetamine… 46 day’s since I rediscovered (sadly I went insane and forgot before I took that drug) that I was an alcoholic first though and I decided to quit… Many of my friends might still assume that I’m just a MethHead in hiding because I don’t share my business with them or online anywhere anymore other than here… I don’t argue anymore with people who get drunk and knock their own teeth out when falling over a hill and smashing their face into rock’s then laugh later like they enjoyed it and are already planning their next atv ride into destruction… I just let that whiskey do what whisky does for them (newly acquired learned skill I use when ppl try to get me to join them)… I just let them assume… It’s fun watching their expressions at time’s… :joy: The last time they looked at me like that I advanced really far in life (was far from where I was anyways) and took myself to school, work etc and was actually successful despite my circumstances… The only thing that kept me from losing everything that I had, I had already paid for it… Right back to it… I had at least 1 sober person to see me through my life… My children deserve no less than I was given… My mission is to give them everything I lacked… Working on my sanity as well… I want to live… :grin::100:


1080 days. I’m here because I’m an Alcoholic :wink:

  1. Because I am an alcoholic.

Hi I’m Maggie ive just joined and liked your post will come on here for some inspiration, ive been drinking every day for nearly 3 years i hate the way it controls me im going to try my hardest to break the cycle


Im on my first day i feel ashamed that my problem has got that bad with no self control that ive gave my son hes 18 my bank cards so i cant buy drink, i hate the way it has taken hold of me if anyone had said it be in this position 4 years ago i wouldn’t have believed them ,it just creeps up on you i want to take control back

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