How many days and why

Just take it one day at a time. Keep checking in on here, and reading the threads. There’s a lot of knowledge, inspiration, and motivation here. Meetings, while they may not be everyone’s cup of tea, are worth hitting up, even if you’re just listening to everyone else.

Good luck on the journey!!!

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Thanks, i will im finding it really useful just to know im not the only only that alcohol has got a hold of im looking to get out of this cycle and start a new one sober and in control.

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I´m on my second day, still terrified. Good luck to you!


117 because I was really fucking good at drinking, Gold in the Olympics kind of good.


We had a crew called the "Olympic Drinking Team"or “O.D.T.” for short…it was never a good thing when we got together.

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41 days and finally feeling there’s hope. I simply decided I didn’t want to die. The destructive cycle of waking up after blacking out and dragging my ass to work, feeling sick and shaky, planning my trip home with a stop at the liquor store, drinking until I passed out, horrible sleep, wake up REPEAT! My depression nearly killed me several times because i just didn’t see a way out of the vicious cycle. I need to be involved in a program because I isolate and that’s not good for me! Doing what I can to get a life.


Day 2 sober. I am here because I developed a porn addiction and I hate it with all my heart, I hate how I disrespect myself, my beliefs and others. Praying that the last relapse, will be the Last One and never repeat a harmful behavior anymore


Haha I hear that, amazing to still be in one piece and not locked up

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Day 17, because if 3 dwis wasnt enough reason. Drinking two twelve packs after work sometimes more and then either not waking up for work, and so close to losing my job and then iust repeat soon as I get home at 230. The days I had money id blow 500 on coke and would have it done in a couple hours and have my heart racing so fast I thought I was gonna die, and just sit in my room paranoid. And most of all not being a adult and doing what I need for my two girls


No doubt!!!

That sounded as if i had wrote that myself, love this site and knowing im not alone ,good luck

3 days.

I can’t drink just a little, it is either nothing or a lot everyday. I am tired of heavy daily drinking ruining my health and damaging my relationships.


relapsed unfortunatly yesterday
i need to be more careful
it was a bit sketchy because my friend was seeing tripple and wanted more
somehow by the grace of god and my friend, i convinced him to call it quits. i wasnt too drunk but i still feel the shame
my new sobriety date is 2/20/20

people, i need a month sober bigtime. my whole unity i fear is messed up


Because I’m not quite ready to die yet


Day 809. Here because I am free, and want to stay this way.


Day 5 :balloon:. I am turning 39 tomorrow and I’ve lived with this for too long . I am ready for a new life. I’ve been ready. My bunny Jack had gotten very sick Tuesday (those who have or have had animal companions know they’re like our kiddos) and I feared the worst , even sinking in a binge to “go away for good” but he’s doing better little by little. That little guy has pushed through so much and teaches me many lessons like to keep going no matter what.
I say life’s a rollercoaster and I can’t let my ride cart break that with alcohol anymore. I’ve gone longer before in the past and I plan on going longer -for ever.
Even if I dont post here much. This has always helped , youre all my heroes from day 1 to years and years of a lifetime of sobriety. I want to help others as they have helped me.
Much love to all . Thank you. :black_heart::rabbit2::bat::metal:t2:
LETS DO THIS !!! :muscle:


I’ll be turning 39 tomorrow as well, and this my first sober birthday in I don’t even know how long…


Day 21…I want to be present and proud of myself, tired of living in disappointment.


Day 5. Cocaine, weed, benzos and rum. Sick and tired of all the relapses… longest clean time was 58 days…
I am here because I can’t go every day to a meeting and on this forum I use the search function for topics that keeps me busy right now, for hope and strength. I read more topics then I respond to it…

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Hi fellow Pisces. Wow. That’s great. It’s tough. Especially the invites. I wanted to go to the beach or go have dinner with a friend but I’m staying in to care for my bunny . And he’s a great excuse his health comes first. I had thoughts of “hey I could have a drink or two here” but I crushed that fast. I’m needed sober. I try to use a technique I discovered here I word it different. Play the whole tape , have you heard of it? What are your plans going to be? I’m here for support if you need it :muscle::bat: