How many days does everyone have? Don't be shy #2

Day 23 today for me. Way to go to everyone!


This is my 2nd Day 5 of 2021, but my first full weekend of no alcohol in I donā€™t know how long.


Great job you clearly care about your recovery keeping track of everything as you did bear. I have a lot a faith you can do jt the drugs are the death of us we all can take control a say at a time a min at a time. Keep up the great work man. Proud to see you so happy. Very important!!


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Can anyone offer tips when they are really feeling like throwing in the towel and having a drink because things feel so lonely right now and it seems like no one would even know if I did or didnt drink. I am missing a sense of freedom in lockdown (like I know we all are) and working such long days (like many of us are too). I feel so unhealthy this way. And I donā€™t know if any menstruators have found this but I am bleeding a lot more during Covid? Longer periods, over 7 days, and heavy enough to bleed onto furniture which has been a nightmare and humiliating. My body is cheating me again and again. Anyway, I miss the blur of not having to look at myself in the mirror because I am too busy and now I have to see myself and face the fact that Iā€™m stagnating. I know weā€™re all going through hard times, and Iā€™m lucky enough to finally get this new job after a long time searching. But I am worried, I feel tired, my willpower is spent and I donā€™t know where to turn. My boyfriend, understandably goes to bed about 3 hours before I do, and he doesnā€™t like it when I text him my concerns anyway, Iā€™m only allowed to raise things on a phonecall. Which I know makes sense for best ā€˜communicationā€™, in terms of the likelihood of us both understand the interpretation correctly. BUT it also means, I return to the familiar feeling of nowhere to go when I am always up late searching for an antidote to how I feel. Someone has suggested AA to me so I think iā€™ll go to a zoom tomorrow night. I wish not drinking didnā€™t have to unravel all other issues - I really need to stay healthy eating, but binging has crept up on me, like I want to give myself nice things to distract myself from drinking. But, I canā€™t keep doing that, its making me low. Anyway, wishing everyone a positive week - Iā€™d love as always any good books; movies; music; podcasts on any of this. How erratically things can shift in lockdown! I was fine an hour ago!

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look as hard as you like at that picture bc you wonā€™t see me,
Iā€™m not on the piste anymore. Boom boom!!!
Exit stage to the left :pensive:


Grateful and Blessed to be at day 710


45 days for me !


I feel you Iā€™ve had quite a few of those day recently as well. I like to listen to a lot of lo fi instrumentals when I have those feeling the music soon calm and soothing. Have a great week as well. Stay strong :muscle:

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Day 347! :raised_hands:t3::muscle:t3:


Getting thru that first weekend is huge congratulations to you for sure!

Bye for nowā€¦


Have you read This Naked Mind, by Annie Grace? It really helps me. There is also a podcast if you need something more instant.



Happy day 25! :two_hearts:


Going to try this thank you so much :blush:



68 days today! Super proud of myself. It hasnā€™t been easy. Plus I got engaged shortly after getting clean and have a stepson now.


Wow your killing it!

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Tough one this week but still in the gameā€¦