14,389 days clean and sober!!
Well done buddy didnt need internet then just hard core sobriety .
As of today … 95 Days
I’m so happy
Way to go Eric! That is a fantastic milestone… Keep going strong
That is so true! My sobriety started when I was in the military. I was overseas in the Pacific before I completed my first year of sobriety.
Way to go, Eric
Congratulations!!! What a way to start the new year, well done
For all you new people out there I relapsed hundreds of times and thought it would never happen for me but I never stopped trying and learnt from every relapse, kept an open mind and did absolutely whatever it was going to take to stay sober.
I’m not going to say if I can do it so can you bc many people never find happy sobriety but if - You do what I do - your in with a great chance. I only changed one thing and that was ‘Everything’
That’s awesome! Massive congratulations to you on your first year! You rock!
365 days TOday very happy and enjoying a busy day at work! Down 3-4 pounds this week also already on my diet and exercise!
By 10 pm tonight will be 5 days. The day before new years eve i drank a lot and upset my wife…felt terrible new years eve thrugh monday…haven’t touched a drop since sat night.
6 days here. Thankful I found this community
Day 1 but thank you for showing me it can be done. Keep going!
@Breezy68 Congrats on your 5 days Tom
@Davina_Davis Congrats on your 6 days Davina
@mdeming50 Congrats on your day 1 Matthew
Great work everyone — each day sober is a day won! Keep going strong
17 days
NICE number friend – way to go with your bad self – keep leading the way!
lol thank you so much
Thanks so much JazzyS