How many xanax bars to OD

WilliamBloke - I would but im not the type to usually speak about my problems. Im more the type to help people

Alisa - Thankyou, id honestly love that… i only just relapsed after being over a year sobor


No one is judging, we have all been in bad places. :purple_heart:
But you need to need to check with a professional that you don’t need to go to hospital. If you are worried, call an ambulance, 000 in Australia right?
I’m a big over thinker too, so you are in good company. Relapsing after a good chunk of sobriety is very hard. Easy to torture yourself. But what is done is done, recovery is rarely linear. Just move forward.


I hate hospitals and im not worried it. I went through a horrible break up at the start of the year, caught my partner cheating so unfortunately i turned to anything that made me numb


Well, that is just awful. I can understand wanting to escape reality. But your problems will be waiting for you when the numbness wears off. What your partner did, says nothing about you, and everything about them. You have to think about what you want and focus on getting that.


It is what it is.

Many here are in situations similar to yours, not exact, but similar.

The majority here who have quit substances mostly agree that their problems, challenges, anxieties , feelings of worthlessness, powerlessness, depression, etcetera are more easily taken care of not under the influence of something.

They are grateful for their sobriety from whatever they are sober from, and feel like the sobriety is what gives them the power to deal with what they have to deal with.

I’m happy for you that you do have some sobriety time behind you, I’m sorry for the circumstances that made you feel like you needed to start again.

Hopefully you will find it in you to quit once again. There is lots of support here for that.

Overthinking can be brutal. If you are able to talk to a doctor about that it would be helpful. If not, then that’s the answer to that.

Sometimes just talking about what bothers you is very helpful in and of itself. Even if you do not get into the very specifics.

Again, welcome to the community.

There are many topics here that could be helpful for you.

One is the meditation thread where people are listening to meditations, etc. on the Insight Timer app, which is free.

Here is the link to that thread.
When your mind is busy overthinking consider listening to one of these. You can search with in the insight timer app for more specific to your circumstance meditations.


How are you doing @Jett? Did you get rid of them? They will only make life more miserable than it already is. Starting you’re journey from day 1 is very difficult but you have one of the best support systems right here at your fingertips. I know you can’t see it now but life will get better in time. Don’t let this slip drag you down the rabbit hole. Rooting for you buddy.


Hi Jett, im sorry to hear you are in pain. You need to find some support. You sound like the rugged individual type, but even the strongest of us need help now and again, we are social creatures. The fact you posted here tells me you know this too. I understand the healthcare system in Australia is pretty good, is there a mental health facility you can refer yourself to? Taking any xanax at all is a bad idea, it doesnt solve the problem and may just make your mental health worse in the long run. (I thought it was banned in Australia?). I hope youre doing okay Jett, keep us updated and stay strong.


How are you doing @Jett :thinking:


Hi Jai, i would like to send you some love and hugs and tell you that you matter to me and im sure many others, theres no judgement here we have all had our challenges and understand…im sorry youve had some horrible stuff to deal with, we are all here for you :heart: :people_hugging:


Could be better i guess. What about you?

Hey thankyou it means alot!

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Sometimes a bit of genuine compassion from another human goes a long way i know it did for me…i got hospitalised once through drinking…at the time i was so low and full of self loathing that i thought i wasnt worth any kind of kindness…the ambulance driver that held my hand and told me its gonna be ok…the nurse that hugged me as i cried when she didnt have to, my friends that rallied in the days after all showed me i was very wrong in that thought, thats what pulled me out of my addiction…compassion. Nothing in this world is so bad that it cant be sorted out :heart:


I’m okay mate but what’s going on with you, were you asking because you wanted to overdose or because you were worried you were going to? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:

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I dont have many friends…kinda lost most of them to drugs and them fucking me over

Private message me if you want man, id probably tell you there

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You have all of us here now friend

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Internet friends are alot different to friends you see face to face

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Good to see you’re still here.
Fellow Aussie here :raised_hands:
Where abouts are you from?


Ok, well we are here if you need to talk, ive found some of my internet friends here to be some of the best friends i have…because they understand addiction, i wouldnt be sober without them…sure they are on the internet but that doesnt make them any less real, dont underestimate the help you can get on here