How to deal with CRAVING

OMG, it’s my brain telling me “I can”… How to make me NOT go there??


It takes time. I am still learning. I have found regular attendance at meetings, and daily morning phone calls with other people in recovery to check in and recommit, have helped me. The accountability and the sense of shared commitment has helped me psychologically. It has helped me to see in my heart that my addiction adds nothing of value to my life.


Dont fall for it…I just did an entire year of sobriety and the last month i fell off thinking i could control it. Now im back to square 1


Anyway, I got thru! Damn!! I guzzled a water, and then a non-alcoholic beer did the trick! Now I feel amazing! As I passed this FIRST hard temptation.
However, that was tough.
Ps. How do I get a sponsor?
PPS. I have no idea how to use this app.


Many of us use the HALT acronym, in these early days staying well hydrated, eating good food and resting is vital!!

Good to have you here :blush:

Edited as a I forgot the HALT haha


Deep breaths are simple but really great method. It helped me few times.

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Here is some explenation about getting a sponsor:

Try and find something to do,keep yourself busy. When I started recovery I craved sweets and hard candy. Been sober for 501 days and I promise life is going to get better, hang on because the ride is bumpy but so worth it.


I carried a bag of M&M’s to ward off alcohol cravings, but anything with sugar can quell the urge to booze.

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