How was your worst hangover?

For me it’s one I am having now, after a relapse after 60 days sober, binge drinking and blackout. Second day of hangover full os shame, confusion and regret


I’m just gonna respond with a simple “no comment” :rofl:


I’ve heard it said, if you crank a stereo up to eleven then turn it off and put it on the shelf, doesn’t matter how long you wait. If you turn it back on it’s still at full blast.

I’m going with @CaptAZ on “no comment,” lol…


I was really wasted walking home from the clubs to my best friends house to crash (I was too wasted to find my own :house:)… I get to her street, walk in the house, grab a blanket and some food, and crash. It wasn’t her house :joy: I woke up to a very confused couple standing over me.


I didn’t get hang overs. People hated me for it. Lol.
Partly because I never stopped long enough for a hang over to catch up with me.
I don’t recommend this. :wink:


One where apparently I punched a tree as hard as I could. Woke up with a bit of a sore hand which was twice the size and a god awful head.

Every hangover was bad towards the end


I am ashamed to admit that I can’t even “choose” among several.
It’s not THAT much about how I felt physically (although, there were a couple of times I thought I was heading for what I hoped was a heart attack and not a stroke or something like that). It was the depression, the shame, the fear and the feeling of hopelessness what was killing me.


The feeling like I was about to have a seizure, every nerve ending seemed to be jumping and my heart raced. It was quite scary but wasn’t enough to make me quit. That came a few months later…still taking it day by day but I’m at 98.5 days sober now.


Multiple hospital admissions from dehydration from alcohol consumption. Very worst one was in a police cell for defending myself against a policeman I came home and vomited in shock for twelve hours again severe dehydration killer migraines!! (This was eight years ago) I am 6 months sober this week!


I died reading this. What a story!

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So many to name…extreme anxiety…depression…intrustive thoughts. Constant dry heaving…not being able to leave bed. Uncontrollable shaking…internal quivering feeling. Extreme heart palpitations. The worst. I always get blackouts


It’s awful. Are you on medication? I’m on two that I definitely shouldn’t drink on…even though they are small doses. Toxic mix!

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thats a crazy story
thank god you were ok

my worst hangover was my 1st night drinking

it aint fun cleaning up a catastraphy of a room hung over

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A couple years ago I had a horrible hangover on Christmas eve and Christmas day. I was too sick to get out of bed or even eat. I spent Christmas day alone and sick. I wish that was the worst part of the story.

Woke up half naked in my bed and had to investigate what I’d done. I hadnt even left my apartment but I felt like a detective of my own blackout. It was so shameful. I thought uh I might one day not even wake up

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I’m all too familiar with the word relapse. I spent an entire summer without drinking, 2 years ago. Ever since then my greatest accomplishment has been 8 days. But, I believe something has changed in me recently. My worst hangover is the one I experienced about 48 hours into my past. But this wasn’t a physical hangover, it was emotional.
I recently visited a friend that I haven’t seen in 2 years. We’ve been friends since the 5th grade. I hardly ever remember him and I fighting. We started drinking and an argument erupted. He kicked me out of his house. I spent the next hour in my own passenger seat while wife drove us home.
The next day I woke up confused only to find that we weren’t even discussing the same thing the night before. I was filled with regret because of my choices. My wife watched me get drunk while I argued with my best friend.
For that, and other reasons, this is the best day 3 of sobriety ever.

In the last 4 years every time I drank it was the worst hangover running on hot banging head bad mouth no energy just a mess sleep the day away feel sick awful

These stories aren’t worth anything.
The story worth telling is why the F You relapsed.
Why did you slip after 2 months.
There’s where the growing happens.

Soclets pivot this and why don’t you share the story on hownyou got to the point of using.

Thank you and good luck picking up and learning from this experience.

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The one I witnessed on my sofa when I came home from night shift this morning! (Hubby and friend left at home drinking last night, ignoring the lockdown too.) At 139 days sober…I really do not miss that shit, shame no one else in the house can see past the dark side and thinks I am the idiot for not drinking.

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@RX24 @Jane1 can you guys elaborate on the intrusive thoughts? Maybe example or situation, 2 months in and I be feeling like be I’m going crazy or I’m tripping out