Husband doesn't take me seriously

Congrats! Im in a similar situation and its so hard when the people you love are telling you everything is fine even when you know its not. Good for you!


It was so hard the first month but after that, the time went by so fast! Thank you :blush:

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Been busy being sober you know? :laughing::laughing:. How is it going for you?


My dad still brings out a wine glass for me when we have dinner at his house. I always have to remind him that I’m “still” not drinking :roll_eyes::laughing:


THIS IS SERIOUSLY MY LIFE. My husband doesn’t take me seriously because he can control his drinking. Granted, he has a beer or two every single day but he doesn’t get drunk as often as I do. And the next day I am in the restroom all day long. It’s terrible. The next day I get terrible anxiety, both from the withdrawals and also because it scares me that I can’t stop. Once I get the buzz too, I feel more social, happy, relaxed and I don’t want it to go away so I start drinking fast too. And then it backfires on me. To top it off, I get super emotional when drunk.

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I hear you! Family reactions are very interesting. When I told my dad I was quitting he pretty much went on an hour long rant about how I dont have a problem and then proceded to rationalize his own choices around drinking. It was a little surreal.

65 days and going strong


Good for you. Stay strong. Thank God for Taco Bell.