I am trying to be sober

I am trying to be sober of things, i already tried so many times and this month i decided to be sober but today i got a relapse, i will try to write here everday until i feel its not necessary anymore,today i removed almost everthing that gives me the temptation to do it, but almost everthing there are things we cant let go out especily when you spent so much time on that thing, feel free to comment about everthing in this post, positive messages, tips on how to be sober thank you!


Glad you’re here with us. Tomorrow I reach two years sober, and as I reflect on my time, I recall how the early days were the hardest. I would encourage you to find support (in friends, family, AA, groups, here… wherever is realistic for you), find distractions, invest in caring for yourself (eating well, exercise, self-care… again, whatever is realistic for you), and be kind to yourself. Change won’t happen all at once, but it does happen one day at a time. Happy to watch your journey as you move forward. Check in with us!


This is a very good start. Check in, post and read as much as you can. . Over 6 months sober for me and here with all my sober friends make a world of difference than struggling alone to stay on the sober path.


Im trying to be sober too…I find posting everyday helps keep me accountable. Lots of support and love here. :heart:


Meetings will help they helped me stay sober wish you well


I would say commit to yourself, and prepare yourself mentally that you’ll have to go through a couple miserable and painful days, but know that they will be worth it, YOU are worth it, your loved ones are worth it. You CAN do this. :heart_on_fire::heart_on_fire::heart_on_fire:

  • Get water, pedialyte, a couple of Campbell’s soups or even ramen, some painkiller that you normally take, if you usually take something to help you sleep have it ready tonight.
    Prepare to be in bed a lot or at least resting the first 48 hrs.
    Then it gets easier.
    We are always here to support and encourage, 24/7.

Tip: Start drinking water


Hi @tsqd welcome to ts you said you’d got rid of “almost everything”….what are you holding onto :thinking:this very thing will hold you back . Your addiction wants to keep you wanting and needing


thank you so much!

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we will win this!

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i am on vacations so i dont have a lot to do, this equals to doing more times what i am trying to be sober but i am almost starting work so i hope that helps!

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thank you this was so good to read!


Just wanted to say we understand how you feel and welcome to TS! :bouquet:


Heck yes! 🩷🙏🩷

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Keep us posted on your journey wish you well

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just had a relapsed

Wanna tell us what happened and why?

Keeping yourself busy is what helped me through the first tough weeks.
So get yourself outside, sideseeing the vacation area, walk in nature, go to a gym to work out, go for a swim, go to a local AA, listen to a recovery podcast, binge Netflix, whatever beside drinking.
Avoid alcohol related places if you can.
I’m sorry about the relapse, what can you add to your support system to make it stick this time?
What made you pick up?
Try to learn how to prevent yourself for a relapse. We can say no to the first drink, not to the second.
Stick around and take your time to read here.
Maybe this thread is interesting for you?

See you around! :raising_hand_woman:

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try a meeting they will help ,keep us posted on your journey wish you well