I came up with a resolution after all. Want to join me?

I feel the need to spend less time on my phone. So I decided to join in this little free coaching plan. But it’d be nicer to be in it together, and I feel I’m not the only one fighting this addictive behaviour. So join me when you like!


This is such a great idea! Mobile phones are such an addiction for so many people! I would join in, but thankfully never entered my list of addictions, so I will cheer for you on the sidelines!


I signed up, thank you for the link! I have been working toward less phone use (including being on TS less), hoping to learn some practical tips for less mindless scrolling and checking my phone. :people_hugging::heart:


Thanks Sassy! We’re in this together :people_hugging: :muscle: :heart:


Great plan. I signed up as well, as I do not like how I feel like I was missing a limb when my phone is not near. Oof, all the hours I already spent on Instagram… :sweat_smile:


I was thinking lately about decreasing my screen time too. My first step was to install an app called Digital Detox. All it does is blocking your phone for an amount of time (from a few hours to days, you can set it yourself or choose from the defaults). You can set 1-4 emergency log ins (1-10 minutes), and you can still answer calls. For me it takes away the burden of self-restraint and helps me realize how unimportant and unnecessary everything on my phone is. I deleted all my accounts on social media a long time ago, but I still use my phone way too often to check the news and such to avoid the short free time periods during the day. So it has been very useful so far. My next step will probably be to sign up for this program, thanks for the idea!


I’m so in! I was able to reduce my screen time significantly over the holidays, but mostly because I was sick so much! I see my screen time ticking upward again and I want to be more mindful. I’ve signed up! Thanks Menno!


Count me in too :slight_smile:
Just realised I’ve been spending my holidays scrolling… yuck!


Welp, just a few hours ago I was writing here about my own resolution to quit playing games on my phone. It’s going well so far, so I’m curious as to how much time I can “claw back” from my phone in general. I’m in, Menno! Thanks for the idea and the link.


Thanks for the link, subscribed!
One month sober and I noticed I’m looking more in the refrigerator and on my phone :cake::eyes::iphone: :eyes:


Got a new DAB / alarm clock / bluetooth speaker thingy today. It’s main function will be to replace my phone as my alarm. Taking the phone out of the bedroom at night :scream:


Nice! :ok_hand: For that purpose I bought a Google home alarm clock but never managed to get the phone out of my bedroom. I’ll follow your example and start tonight leaving my phone in the living room. Aaaah! :flushed:


OK, the first mail is in. First week’s assignments seem easy enough. I never opened the digital health app before. Most shocking is my use of the online word games I play. The other stuff isn’t too crazy, although at home I spend a lot of time on my computer as well, some of it useful, some of it social media (including TS) so maybe the time I spent last week when I was ill and mostly in bed is a better estimate of my screen time. And it’s pretty awful. Something like 60 full days of screen time a year :cold_face: :hot_face:

I do have an alarm clock / radio set up which I used for the last three days, while I didn’t use my phone by night. It sure helped my sleep, especially last night as I only woke once in seven hours instead of the usual three, four or five times a night. Progress.

I’ll follow the mail’s instructions and put this image as my lock screen.

I had to save it in my pc and convert it to a jpg image and upload it her before I could use it btw. But OK. Also as it turns out I have zero elastic bands at home. Will get one at work tomorrow.

And I liked the long third article that was linked in the mail. Interesting stuff on what is addiction and what is not, and policy towards this question and its consequences for policy, treatment and society in general.


I saw the mail coming in, but I just finished work on my laptop, then TS on my phone and now I just want to be passive and watch another screen (my tv). I’m gonna read the mail and article tomorrow.
I did sleep without my phone though and it wasn’t even that hard, but I was quite tired the last few days, so… But we’re taking action right, one day at a time :innocent:


I’m having a hard time getting an alarm clock, can you believe it? I seem to be stuck, can’t decide what kind to get, digital, analogue, radio. Constant dithering and second-guessing. Moreover, I keep thinking of situations: What if I get an emergency call at night? What if my parents need me and I don’t hear the phone? This to me seems a reasonably valid concern, but is it really? Or is it my addicted brain trying to keep my phone near me at all times?

I read today’s email and followed the directions. My total adds up to 90 mins a day, which is definitely too much, but I will say that a good part of that is TS use, which is key for my sobriety, and I’m really not looking to reduce it. Hopefully the other time-sucks will be diminished, we’ll see… But my “clock resistance” has definitely thrown me for a loop. What is WRONG with me? Any thoughts about going forward with my phone still on the bedside table?


ATM my phone is still in my bedroom. Also with an alarm 5 minutes after my alarm clock dab radio. When I woke up in the middle of the night I had a strong urge to grab it but I didn’t. But now I’m in bed writing this. That’s not good. I feel it can be done like this but we have to be firm and strict. Goodnight🙃


If you still want an alarmclock, I really like the Google home ones. I have a Lenovo smart clock essential. I think it was 25 euros on sale.

I understand the feeling of wanting to be able to hear your phone ring. There is a setting on your phone where you can let calls from important people get through, but maybe you know that already. I keep my phone just outside my bedroom, so I can still hear it. (It feels really weird though without my phone next to me at night.)
At 9.30pm it goes on sleep mode so I get no notifications or calls other than from my family.


9pm to 8am for me. Luckily I don’t grab my phone at night. I also keep all sound notifications off, always. I do use my phone as my alarm clock and okay with that.

I average 4 hours of screen time…mostly chrome/google, which is reading news and scrolling. Too much time!!

Edited to add…that time also includes my running time when my phone is in use and when I use maps (often) to get somewhere + emails + TS.


Yes, thank you. I do have it set up so it only rings at night for specific people (family only). But if I had it in another room, I’d be worried about not hearing it. So I think, like Menno, I’ll keep it in the room, maybe away from the bed. It’s probably not ideal, but I can’t think of any other way. And I’ve made up my mind to get a basic analogue clock for beside the bed. Some progress is better than none, I guess.


Nice alarm clock! That’s great about only waking once in seven hours! Excellent progress.

@Merryshoes Letting the mobile be in your bedroom, but away from instant reach is a great idea. I think that even just not having it at easy grabbing access from your bed will be helpful, since that means you’d have to get out of bed and walk over to get it; yet you can still hear if a family member calls and needs you.

@Naomi and @SassyRocks I started keeping my phone on silent at night when I started managing restaurants, but that bled into the rest of my day and now I keep it on silent 98% of the time (minus certain family members). It really puts some people off because I’m not instantly accessible to them right when they want me, but I don’t want to be accessible to everyone at all times. :sweat_smile: Not having all those alarms and chirps and dings really adds a lot of peace into my every day life and it definitely reduced the amount of time I had it in hand.

I do have an alarm clock, but I currently use my mobile because it is less invasive to my partner’s sleep when it needs to go off a few times during the night, and four hours before he gets up for the day.