I cant go five days with out getting high

And its affecting my life .my wife of 11 years pack up her stuff and moved by mom because im always angry and shouting then the side affect of the substance has my whole body hurting,heart beats funny the whole works i need to kick this habit fast help me please :sob:


You can’t kick habits fast.
People want fast as they think fast equals easy.
Kicking habits is not easy… but it is possible for everyone, and is infinitely rewarding so worth all the hard work.
Commit to kicking the habit, work a program of recovery, and prepare for it to take as long as it takes.
You can do it!


I was the same exact way except i have a young child. It’s so hard. But it is doable, i think. Personally had to stop buying, and i HAD to focus on something else. Im doing workouts, focusing on self care, im even thinking of running. I got so addicted because i had so much free time and i thought it was truly helping my depression and anxiety when it made it worse. I know it won’t help if i tell you ro keep busy, but its what helped me more. I couldn’t go a day without having to pick up


I agree. Not fast, not easy, but you can do it if you want to. Gotta put yourself in that mindset


Mmmm painful thing about it us that i owe the guy 20 bucks so i have to see him again im so depressed right now i will try to keep strong guys thanks


I’m back again on day one, why I thought I could just have one drink, turns into 2 days of drinks and cocaine, feel awful

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There is an absolute wonderful community of support here and I believe online meetings are still available. I hope you’ll stick around. Recovery isn’t for wussies and is rarely accomplished alone. I’m glad to hear you feel ready for a change. Keep going one day at a time! :pray:t2:

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Well its been 8hrs so far .So i guess so far so good im at work and i ask my self y the craving for the substance does not come when im at work its only when i get home i feel the urge to do it trying to remain focus

First off all welcome to the forum. Secondly you don’t have to go 5 days, you only have to stay clean today, tomorrow will sort itself out.

Can’t blame her here.

Our addictions are especially tough on our loved ones because they are absolutely powerless to help us and get put in a really tough situation.

Here are some links you may find helpful.

Best wishes to you, you can do this


My cravings are though thr roof rite about now!!!

Relapse and feel like shit

Without a plan, structure, help and working on yourself and your recovery the success rate to stay sober is minimal.
Get help, treatment, join support groups (NA, AA, recovery dharma …), read quit lit, educate yourself, replace bad habits and structures with healthy ones, practise HALT, erase everything connected with your DOC from your personal life (phone numbers, people, places, …)

Sobriety is hard work and it is worth it!


Did you learn anything? Was this time bad enough to make you not want to use again? It’s when we feel like shit that we say I’m ready for a change I know I can get clean. But as soon as we start feeling better, we think we can try a little. Well, we did try a little and that turns into going way overboard. And the cycle begins once more.

Stay here with us. We can help you if you truly want the help.

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I’m there to I get to 3 or 6 days and I’m drinking and using again, I thought I had it but then friends come round bring stuff, put drinks down and I think I Can just have one, absolute nightmare I’m tired of it

Was meant to start a new job today I’ve had to put that off, kids late for school and house is a mess feel absolutely crap, other half manages to do it but not, loose and mess anything up, feeling awful

Cocaine and alcohol and cocodomol tablets absolutely hate the lot, I never thought I’d get to this state, when I look back at myself a few years ago

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Guess what im on my sixth day today sober :crazy_face: no cravings just little body aches here and there which i control with some of the finest tropical pot there is (live in the carribbean) otherwise than that im living much better knowing that shit is coming out my system one day at a time :100:

Oh yea babes came back almost immediately once i showed her my issue and told her im going to kick this addiction yuppp… i beat the breaks off her last nite tho lol sex feels much more comfortable