I do not feel I can go back to a meeting

My favorite meeting went on Zoom during the lockdown and still is virtual.

I usually do not talk much there. Today, I was called on and I said I did not have anything on the topic. The chair asked me to say anything about anything at all.

I said that I was struggling and did not know how to talk about it in AA without crossing a boundary, so I would listen.

I feel shame and embarrassment, It will be hard for me to go back there. Maybe in a few months, but I just feel stupid for opening my mouth.

At least it was virtual, so I did not have to listen to anyone tell me what I did wrong. But still. Sometimes a meeting is like a minefield.


You could just go back anyways and act like nothing happened and not let it bother you. I mean, i dont really go to AA very often tbh, so im probably not the best to answer this lol. I can understand how that might be awkward, but maybe if you just dont make a big deal about it, it wont be a big deal, but idk lol.


You spoke how you’re feeling, right? If they didn’t like your share that’s their problem. If you don’t feel good about that meeting right now, try a different one. Please don’t beat yourself up on this, none of us need the inside job assassin anymore.
Hugs and keep being you!


Its a support group. Hoepfully they all understand and all support any struggle you may have. Spoken or not.


Im sorry you are feeling shame and embarassment but you spoke your truth and thats what the program is about. No need to feel shame. Whats on your mind tonight? Why do you feel like you are struggling?


I’m sure the others at the meeting were far too concerned w themselves to give much mind to your actions. Nothing wrong with passing. At least go back to tell the chair to stay in their lane.


You did nothing wrong, and nothing to be ashamed of. They tried to create an opening in case there was something you really felt you had to talk about. We’ve all been there.

You didn’t wanna. We’ve all been there too.

No worries, my friend.


What is the Pacific Group and how do I find them?

I do not know why I am struggling but I am. I have a few years sobriety, but I have been thinking about using.

Prayer does not help, but sitting in meetings did. Now I do not feel like there is anything I can do.

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Why would I say that to the chair? I am not sure what you are getting at

I do not think the chair did anything wrong.

WAS told at my first meeting Zoom wasnt a word Then if you dont have anything to say then say pass , just listen when your ready your be ok , everyone there has been were you are now so dont put that Shame in that bag your carrying it will keep getting heaver , wish you well


Maybe now is the time to try new meetings

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Unless you tell them ahead of time you do not want to be called on or the meeting isn’t setup for people to be called on I don’t think the meeting chair did anything wrong by calling on you.

If being called on at all is not something you are comfortable with you will either need to set that boundary ahead of time or attend something where you participation will not be asked for.

I do not think the chair did anything wrong.

I was the one who crossed the line. I should have just said, “Pass” instead of saying why.

I guess so. This was a meeting where years ago I was asked not to share because I shared about having cravings.

This was not as bad, but it was definitely not sharing solutions.

(I know a lot of people on this forum go to meetings where they can talk about their troubles. This is not that kind of meeting.)

As suggested plenty of meetings out there maybe try a different one ,

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There are other meetings, but this one is the best. I think because no one does what I did yesterday.

Well, it’s in the past at this point. No need to dwell as that doesn’t help us move forward.

Do you have other stuff going on in your world right now that may be adding to the reason you’re craving or thinking about going out? Do you have a sponsor? Phone list of sober people who are close to you to chat with?

Isolation will worsen our situation. Asking for help is, and will always be the right course of action my friend. Hugs to ya


I have a few weeks of break at work, so that always is a trigger.

I have a sponsor but he is in a crunch right now and not available.

None of my friends are alcoholics or addicts, so I can talk to them. But most of the people closest to me are going through something right now so I hesitate to burden them with something that may or may not be urgent.

I’m confident that they won’t mind, as you have been there for them in the past.

Sure, I can say this too shall pass like another can, but how we navigate through a storm is just as important as how high the seas were and the number of days we pitched & rolled.

Fortunately, all we have to weather is today, and for this day I know my HP wants me to do, for me, as much happy and healthy as possible. Tomorrow I’ll deal with when it gets here.