I drank and I'm upset about it

Being healthy after being sick takes time, rest, and following advice (about how to stay healthy).

You’ve been sick (drinking poison).
You are sick from the poison.
You need to get healthy and stay healthy. There’s good advice on that above.

Hit up a meeting and start there: www.AA.org or

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Talk to us :purple_heart:. For now, just dig deep and get over the physical unpleasantness. Half melted ice-cream was always good for me when I was hungover. Then when you feel better get cracking on a sobriety plan. What can you do differently this time?


Remember this…Progress not perfection.

You’ve admitted what happened. Now pick yourself up. Dust yourself off and get back on the wagon. Nobody is perfect. Recovery is a journey. And on journeys you can end up stumbling along the way. The fact that you want to be sober is what counts.
Prayers to you friend. You can do this.


Pretty sure none of us quit once and never looked back. If so this community would not exist. My counter is a mess with resets but the cool part is watching that one slice grow. Forgive yourself, learn something and move forward.


Detox the poison
Remember this feeling just enough to really not want to feel it again.
Use this as an opportunity to get your support system in place so you can pick up the phone next time your tempted to pick up " a drink"

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I have recently had a very similar situation. I had just passed 6 months of sobriety and found myself making all the excuses I could that I could have a drink. Well I did drink for a couple of days and felt like crap. I am on day 3 of being sober now and am getting passed beating myself up, and using positive thoughts. Best of luck and hang in there.


6 months is cool

3 days is Awesome.