I drank yesterday

I’m so mad at myself for drinking. I made it to 14 days and then I drank. I don’t know if I will ever be able to be sober.


If i could get past 14 so can you. I could hardly go a few hours or minutes without a drink for years.


Hey Tiffany. I’m proud of you for getting back on the wagon.

I highly recommend checking in daily to keep focus in the checking daily to maintain focus thread.

I also recommend finding some activities to fill time like, running, cycling, working out, meditation/mindfulness, crafts, drawing, reading etc.

I recommend mindfulness, because with mindfulness you can learn to not put as much weight on thoughts. It’s useful for making the shame and your past a smaller part of your life. Causing you to be happier.

I also recommend reading on this forum a lot on this forum and asking questions if you have any.

You can make sobriety a lot easier. It’s really hard to think about staying sober for the rest of my life. If I think, do I want to stay sober for the rest of my life? I think hell no. But I can and want to stay sober for today. The next day, I also think I can stay sober for today. and so on.

Don’t think about not using for life but think about not using today. Do that every day, and it gets way easier. If you are very deep in the shit, you can even think, I’ll stay sober the next 5 minutes.

Don’t listen to your mind, your mind will not stop being a dick, it will be a dick less and less, but it will never fully stop being a dick.

If you have cravings, just play the tape. By that I mean, pretend that you abuse again, then try foreseeing the future. Will it be all butterflies and roses, because you feel so awesome when relapsing, or will it be shame, self-disgust and disappointment you feel.

When your mind tells you that you can use once, that’s bullshit, the biggest bullshit ever. Your addiction just tries to find a way to get satisfied.

I also recommend following the twelve step-program with a sponsor.

I hope this helps

Good luck, you’ve got this. :smiley:


I’ve had my share of slip ups relapses whatever you want to call them. Hit reset after reset. I kept coming back and doing what you just did. I admitted to a bunch of strangers that I screwed up and was starting anew. Then one time it just clicked and stuck. That was over 300+ days ago. If I can do it, you can too! Don’t be too hard on yourself. Get a hobby. Try something new or revist something you love that fell by the wayside. They really are a great way to pass the time. If AA is your thing, hit a meeting. I know the 90 meetings in 90 days is popular. Whatever you do, take it day by day. Hour by hour if you have to. It IS possible!


You managed sobriety for 14 days. You said “no” to the hardest person to say “no” to…yourself, for 2 weeks. You can do this, if you want to. So want to.


Jim Rohn once said, “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.”

This is true in sobriety as it is with anything else. I kind of wanted sobriety for years, but all I found was excuses, until one day I had enough and I found my way. Find your way! It may take a few tries, but you will find it as long as you keep searching.


You can Do it !! Reset and Go !!
Stay here, do Meeting , read, walk, …I wanted to drink last nite so I made my self a smoothie and Next think I knew My mind stop the stupid thinking of alcohol… !! You can Do it :heavy_heart_exclamation::sun_with_face::partying_face:


keep trying maybe try a zoom meeting or ftf if they are back in your area make it easy on yourself wish you well


For me, my addiction told me that over and over. Then one day I litterally said, " Fuck you alcohol, i can do this" I never looked back.

14 days is huge. You did it once, you can do it again


I hope I can do that too


You can. For me, I had to stop using the word “hope”. Once I moved past that, I could do what needed to be done.

You are worth a sober life.


I just did the same thing! Made it 15 days then drank again. I had a plan, was only having a few glasses…then had 2 bottles. Couldn’t go to work again yesterday. So drank another bottle. Then had a 4th bottle to help with the withdrawal (how crazy is that thinking?), and now am laying on the couch trying to recover yet again with my son here to spend time with me. But I can’t do anything and it feels horrible. I had a really bad binge 2 weeks ago with vodka, and 3 weeks before that. This time was wine, but no matter what it is I ALWAYS have too much. This cycle sucks. We can and will get sober and stay sober. But it is a BATTLE! Keep trying as I will too…we will get through together. It’s easy to beat ourselves up when this happens, but we have to keep fighting. I’m here for you and truly know how you are feeling right now. You will feel better tomorrow, and in the days that follow. Let’s pick up where we left off and get past that 2 week mark.


I want to get past the 2 week mark. Just 13.5 days to go. :smile:




You will. What matters is that you keep trying. No matter how long it takes. You haven’t failed until you are no longer willing to get back up and try again.


We’ve all, or most of us have been there and it sucks…end of story. No magic words will make that slip feel better. But keep it where it happened…the past.

Keep trying and it will take…hopefully this time.

I kept trying and today i mark 290 days without a drink. Had some pretty big excuses i could have used to tell myself it was ok to drink in those 290 days…but i chose not to.

Told my ego to frig off last September and that has made the difference. I can be wrong, weak, scared, frustrated, sad, happy…but a drink wont make any of that better.

Good luck. Keep up the good work.


Don’t ever give up on your self it takes time. I had to start taking advice,doing things different, finding a higher power,service work,working the steps of AA & being humbled to the point u feel you have been set free. Then its all prep work, don’t open that door again because we all played the tape through before n the out come sucked.don’t beat yourself up any more just move forward please. "Give yourself a chance your worth it & more ".


Don’t be mad, be glad you have all these great people to help you get back up. A stumble isn’t a full blown crash and burn. Just keep trying and it will all happen when you really want it to. "Don’t let it bring you down. Its only castles burning and you will come around. " - Neil Young
You can do it


You can and you will let’s be determined to meet our milestones. “Why” because its sooooo worth it. There’s nothing worse than not having money,looking at jail time,hurting family,hurting ourselves all while looking death in the face w/a big ego that’s not ours. Do work and stay focused gd luck

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That’s right we just have to keep trying. It takes me a few days to feel normal again. I fill my self with regret. and if I feel like this after I drink I don’t understand why I go back and do it again 2 weeks later. I just want to be able to get a handle on this and not give in after 2 weeks I can always make it to two weeks but then I drink. I gotta do this for me and my family.