I hate to say it

I just really don’t think I’m done with this relapse. Yes I hope it’s before it’s to late,do we only learn once we hit rock bottom. Why is it so hard after just having that year, why do I feel I can’t beat it now. I know I don’t want to keep posting when I cant even get my shit together. I just really don’t know.


Stay with us, Mike.


Don’t spend to much time today worrying about yesterday… its a new day, game face on … try again :ok_hand:


I know Im trying for real. And @Meggers I will


Keep coming back Mike.

Minimize how bad it can be, stay alive for those kids and your own bright future.

Just don’t die before you get back to the path.


I know and thank you. It’s like I’m trying but I’m not. But I really do want to be sober before I lose everything again.

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Like you said, maybe you’re not done. Maybe that day will be tomorrow, maybe a week from now, just stay above ground bro. Don’t go too big, you know how to use and stay breathing so don’t fucking forget it now.


Get to as many online or face to face meetings as you will…rather than the will to use…find a sponsor…xxxx you can do it mike.youre worth it xx

You can always put the brakes on anytime. Saying this relapse is “not done“ like it is an animate being u can’t control is, frankly, bullshit. The addict part of ur brain is making excuses. Don’t fall for it! U are smarter and stronger than that.


Stay here, we understand what you are going through

I’ve been on here and other places working on myself for years. And I know what it’s like to have extended periods of sobriety followed by periods of relapse and instability.

We don’t give up, ever. Never ever, never ever.

It’s been taking me a long time to find my way.

I’ve been discovering that if trying harder isn’t working for me, then I need to try different. As life changes for me, what’s worked before may not continue to work in the future. Don’t be afraid try out a different program or switch to a different therapist. Keep searching for what works for you.


You have it in you, Mike; I know it sounds trivial but shake it off. Your clean, sober self is in you waiting to beat that bitch relapse.
Think of what life looked like before and what you know it can or will look like if you go way back out there.
Please stay and fight!


Keep posting. Keep trying. Hopelessness serves nothing. It’s time to bite down on the mouthpiece, get your gloves up, and throw some combinations.

Get to the gym. Go to a meeting. Fight.


might just be me, but that kind of sounds like a decision not to stop.

rock bottom is death so you’ve definitely not hit that yet and it’s a blessing 'cause it means you still have time to do something about your current situation and i sincerely hope you do.

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Keep posting we are with you. Sending love and ~gentle~ hugs to you sweet man.

It takes what it takes. It took me a long while, so I get it. Don’t EVER stop trying. I know it feels defeating and way easier to just let go, but…you know the gifts sobriety can bring…it IS worth it, YOU are worth it. Please don’t give up.

Each moment is a fresh chance. Grasp the moment and hold the eff on. :heart:


I also took quite a few restarts; I remember thinking on one of them that I could never go forever without it. But once I did, I can’t imagine going back to that quicksand… I (we) love you Mike like a brother so I am going to fight with you. :kissing_heart:


At the end of it, just know that all you’re doing is making a choice. If you’re happy choosing to be destructive and self sabotaging, who am I to judge? But, if being destructive and self sabotaging makes you sad, depressed, and unhappy you always have the choice to abstain.

Choose your hard wisely.



When I was in constant relapse I would stop posting and even delete the app. It was always the worst thing to do.


Mike, please stay with us. Don’t hide away. Addiction is a bastard and wants us alone!!! I am praying for you. :pray:t2::two_hearts: