I hate to say it

Stick with us Mike. We are all in this together. We will do everything we can to help you through this difficult time. Please stay strong. You can do this. Keep posting!


Take each day as it comes and keep trying. As long as you’re here posting and reading, that shows you still have the “want” in you. If you disappear and isolate then you’ve thrown in the towel. Please stick around and just keep trying. Each day is a new day to try.


Time to step up for those beautiful girls. You got this amigo.

The disease is progressive, Mike. Our recovery needs to be progressive too. Are you calling your sponsor and working those steps?


Like others have said, Mike, isolation only makes it worse. I know how it feels to be caught in a trap. That’s how I felt for a long time. But I found out that it’s not inevitable that I will drink again. Even when I thought it was, that was a lie I told myself.

The truth is, you will be able to stop drinking. The truth is everything is gonna be alright.

When I could not control my craving but I desperately wanted to stop, a prescription for Antabuse got me started and got me through the first 30 days. I could take it in the morning, when my resolve was high, then relax, knowing that I would not drink that day no matter what.

I’m pulling for you, brother, I know the loving peaceful man is there inside you.


Hey Mike, let’s not think about anything else but right now. Let’s be sober right now.
Stay with us. :orange_heart:

Stick around buddy :pray:
Listen to us instead of that voice in your head, it’s lying. It’s your addiction talking.


True Rock bottom is death. Many alcoholics and addicts dig until they get there, hell most of them do. It’s graduation weekend where i live, plenty of parties, lots of people getting fucked up. Id be lying if i said that i didn’t partially wanna be one of them. I know where that’ll lead me though, the true rock bottom… i choose life today.


My ex husband drank himself to death… it was an awful way to go. He was 56.
Alcohol is so prevalent and accepted in our society that it’s easy to get swept up in that world for sure; being older now and going through all the years off and on of drinking; it’s such a waste of what a life is supposed to be.
My two cents, :slight_smile:


For sure :+1: :100:. I don’t miss feeling like shit

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Hey Mike. It really is incredible the amount of love we all have for you. It’s so sad addiction doesn’t give a fuck about that. There isn’t anything I can add to all the love we got here for you but prayers.
I’m praying for ya Mike. Every day. Only God is bigger and stronger than addiction.

Any chance you could go to rehab? :pray::heart:
That’s where the miracles happen.
You’re worth it.


Listen here, all this rock bottom stuff is bullshit. The only real rock bottom is death, and we are always just one drink or drug away from it. How many people say “this is it, this was “rock bottom” only to find there was another worse “rock bottom” out there for them.

Honestly, you just have to be ready for it, want it, and be willing to do something different for it. Here’s a link to a snippet of what I did and changed. So if you have 5 hours to read a babbling post, here you go:

You’ve had some great changes in your life during your sobriety. But you seemed really sad the whole time. There’s something inside you that needs healing. Just being sober alone isn’t going to bring happiness. However, it might give you the desire to find a way to help yourself feel better though.

If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. No one can make you ready. But we are still your friends. We don’t want you to not come here just because you’re not ready. Of course no one wants to see you hurting and struggling, but it’s better than not seeing you at all.

I didn’t even want to get sober this last time. When I woke up at the hospital, the first thing I wanted was a drink. I did and said everything they wanted me to so that I could just go back home and drink.

They put me on meds and sobered me up. I decided to stay with the meds and go to therapy. That worked for me. I think you do AA? Did/do you have a sponsor? I think therapy in addition to whatever program you’re working would be a really great addition.

I’m just babbling now. But just stay around, we care about you :slight_smile:


That’s all I want to say really. We love you. You’re honest and you’re real. You fight and you struggle. You win and you lose and you share it all. Don’t give up Mike.


I feel what you feel and say. Its hard and wondering why this and why that, why is it this way. Why. Im struggeling my self. And in all of this, i want be sober so bad for me, for my Kids. It should be easy yes, we do anything for our Kids, but still this, this Is so hard. Just want you to know, I feel you and want the best for you. Lots of love. We need love, for us, for eachother for everyone. Love :two_hearts:

Thanks guys I’m seriously so grateful for all the support. And donut, that’s exactly what I’m doing. Crying over the days I had and not wanting to work for them again. Thats so silly to even say of me, but it’s literally a huge reason I’m digging more and more


Hey again Mike.
How about a med check? You still taking meds? I remember you were awhile back. It’s go to be really tough wanting to be clean and sober if you’re all depressed. Maybe it’s something as simple as a med check with your doc to get you back on track.
Still praying for ya.

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Brother, one fucking day at a time. It’s so simple and effective. Just for today we don’t pick up the drink or snort the line or pop the pill. Don’t worry about a year, worry about the next 24 hours. Can’t get anywhere without that.

I love you, you know that. But I also want to kick your ass right now. Quit making this bigger than it is. You had a handful of bad 24 hours. Make the next 24 hours different.

You know where I’m at. :heart:


It sounds like you might be doing what I used to do. I would loose good time and then say “well, if I blew all this time, better make it worth it” :woman_facepalming:
That never worked out well for me at all. :pleading_face:


Your addict wants to get you alone so if there is any part of you that wants to fight, stay with us.


Keep coming back my friend. And don’t ever lose the desire. I believe in you and know you can do this. I (we) will always support you. Just keep posting. Make a plan. Set some goals. Keep your mind distracted. Keep busy. :pray:t3:

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