I have a confession. I'm ashamed to admit. I'm sorry

Something like that :laughing:

I actually don’t get the hate, they make catchy songs. Sure better than what Maroon 5 has become.

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I’m actually more clear headed than ever. I think there is a problem with the people who feel that they must fight against harmless Chad.

Chad is also married to Avril. They’re cool cats.

Why you gotta go and make things so complicated


She’s 34, he’s 44. Not an incredible age gap.

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Because Avril is hot

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At the bottom of this hole is likely a gold mine.

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I dont have to, but if you did, maybe youd find gold as well.


Day 1 here. Ive been peeking around and one thing I’ve noticed already…oddly…
Nickleback has popped up on 3 separate topics (so far) :thinking:
Well…ummm…odd, not a huge fan, would surf to see what else tunes in, but…I’m game.
Carry on.


I, ahem, uh, yeah. I like Maroon 5 and Sex in the City. Don’t tell

Bah ha ha ha ha!
(me too.)


A coworker wanted to put on Taylor Swift. I’d never heard her before and said sure. When she asked what I thought I lied and said she was alright.

Actually I was totally into it.


Small talk with my tattoo guy some time ago:
Me: you going to see motorhead?
Tattoo Guy: fuck yeah, you?
Me: nah wife wants to see nickleback for her birthday present…
Tattoo guy: you see nickleback ever im gonna tattoo a penis on your neck…


No offense to you nickleback fans

“Did you swoon when maroon 5 guy took his shirt off at the Superbowl?”

Honestly…I think Adam Levine has gotten too big. I liked him better as the skinny guy. It worked better for the tattoos. But did I even enjoy watching a layer come off each song. The ultimate tease. LOL.

As for Maroon 5…they’re ok…but damn I like Adam Levine!!

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My daughter was listening to Sk8tr Boy in the car the other day. I couldn’t stop laughing. I guess she’s coming back now.

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Yeah. She’s making new music now.

@Mephistopheles my jam! Lol!

80’s music!


I still go crazy for Duran Duran. I saw them in concert a few years ago and I was in total 80s heaven!!